Serious Help Needed (pushchair experts)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Reet - I have a challenge for you

I have a maximum of £300 to spend (could push it a tiny bit, but it could mean getting divorced :lol: ) and would like the following

* Folds up small
* pushchair faces both ways (ie towards me as well as the usual way)
* Carrycot attachment OR car seat included in price (either as a travel system or I can buy seperately without going over budget if you get me :lol: )

I'm struggling here.
I would love a carrycot attachment, plus it would mean somewhere for bubs to sleep in the early weeks when we visit family. If Ican't find one in budget or one that I like, then I need one that comes with a car seat so I don't have to disturb bubs at the supermarket for example.
I do already have 2 car seats that were my daughters so if we find a nice pushchair with carrycot attachement (and carrycot) in our budget then car seat isn't important.

The most important thing is that it is small and lightweight as DH works away a bit so I'll have to deal with the pushchair, the Lo and my toddler by myself.

It was so much easier first time round - I just bought the first one I saw :roll:
I've just ordered the silver cross 3d pram system, which does all that you are asking. It can be a pram type thing, then a pushchair and when you add the car seat it turns into a travel system. They are very light weight and fold up really well.

I have just got mine including car seat, foot muff, matching pram bag, apron etc for £347, (when I find the name of the place I will pm you so you can have a nosy). Babies r us also have an offer on this atm but think it is a bit more than that.
mamas and papas have a sale on at the mo and one of their pramette/puschair systems is down to £299, (including car seat i think) check out their website
My friend just got the Mamas and Papas Pliko P3 with carry cot (and possibly car seat, I'm not sure) at half price in John Lewis - reduced to about £250. It's not on their website but a lot of their stuff isn't so if you'd be intersted in it call them and ask to speak to the baby department and check see - 01224 625 000.
A silvercross sleepover might tick your boxes as the seat unit can be used on the stand it comes with as babys first bed. It also faces both ways and comes with a carseat to form a travel system.

Kiddicare have them on offer at the moment. Never seen them in the flesh though so couldn't say how good they are. ... 216_10001_
lozzi said:
Quick choice woudl be... ... 222_10001_

and then amaxi cosi seperately, and source some adaptors so it will sit on the chassis ;)

300 or 10 either side ;)

i'll come back wen ive thought of other ideas

Hi Laura,

You should test drive prams/buggies for a living, you really know your stuff girl !!

Thanks for helping me on my pushchair problem, your a star ! :dance:

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