September 2017 mummies

FFO, sorry chick. Will change that for you now

Huge congratulations Jen!!! Our first set of twinnies, over the moon for you!

Wow Jen how exciting!! I'm sure you'll feel lots of symptoms further along so enjoy it while it's okay and don't panic. 2 strong heartbeats are there beating away and growing!
Welcome sazza!

CD hope you are doing ok x

Jensastar that's wonderful!
Hi all, still feeling crampy here but I have been having constipation issues (sorry for sharing!) so wondering (hoping) if it is down to that. It keeps playing on my and last night had nightmares. I am 5 weeks today so still have a while to wait until I have my first appt. Nice to see some new people, have a lovely weekend everyone!
I got my booking appointment in the post today for Feb 10th. Going by the measurements at my early scan that'll put me at 10+2. Is this too late?
Not that there is much I can do if it is!
I may have to see if they can change it though because getting the morning off work will be difficult considering it takes over an hour to travel in and we are only allowed 4 hour leeways for hospital appointments. And I have no annual leave left oops
Anyone a member of My god it's fucking ridiculous. The amount of bad education and abuse on the september birth club thread is shocking!
Will update the front page for you FFO. Your antenatal appointments can be taken outside of annual leave and you're entitled to take the necessary time off as you need to by law. Obviously more awkward if employer doesn't know though.

Not on baby center, have you got a link?

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I know they can be taken outside of AL, but I know usual doctors/hospital appointments are only 4 hours allowed of leeway. Also, our terms say that appointments should be arranged for outside of work hours, as I work shifts, so they may say well why can't you book one for the day before when you're off etc.

I might call the midwife and ask, and then at least I can say I made every effort to get it outside of work hours.

Babycenter is horrible. Bad info, bad education, a bunch of idiots. Link is
I think I must be imagining it, but I keep feeling little flutters. I know it's far too early. My head must just be playing tricks on me.

With my first I had an anterior placenta so I didn't feel anything for ages! Plus as it was my first I didn't even know what I was feeling for! Haha
So my MIL did a hanging needle on a thread over my tummy today and says it's a girl... don't believe in things like that myself but it's fun nonetheless!
Mellie, I'm the same. I've been feeling little pops and rolls but way too early as you said. I had an anterior with number two and felt from about 18 weeks I think? Will be interesting to see what it is this time because you feel them earlier with every subsequent pregnancy.

MrsDuckie, how exciting! I need to try this, it was right with my boys but I still take it with a pinch of salt.

Hey ladies hope your all ok :) ohhh I wanna do the sting thing! I might when I'm home from work... handed in my notice cos we're moving and my boss doesn't give a shit that I'm pregnant and want to take things easy like having actually 2 days off a week. He knows I've had 6 mcs to :/ Will not give me time off while ill even though everyone else gets weeks! 2 weeks and I shall be free!! Heh x
Well today I have been very productive! We live in a 2 bed house and the second bedroom is currently my office / dumping ground. Plus we have far too much stuff everywhere. So I thought I have until September to get sorted :) So I started the Konmari method of getting rid of stuff and I feel so good for tackling the first thing on the list- clothes! Plus I need to make some money to pay for baby things so I put lots online for sale. Got to make room for little babykth!
Bad, aha! We have 2 dogs and pretty much no one allows pets. We did find a good one , 2 bed terrace, but apparently the agent is a scam thing, Its called homes2let and they just take your money for a credit check but then find out you cat live there for some reason. We nearly gave them 300 pounds. So hubby emailed them saying we want a contract in writing saying if we pay and pass credit check (we know we will) that we are definitely be able to move in. Heard nothing has back so think it was a scam. Lucky we found out before sending the money!!
We are going to see a place on Saturday. Weve even put up the rentnp were willing to pay for the dogs but no one wants pets. I don't understand why, they're house trained, behaved and are very loving/friendly dogs!
So we're stressing out abut now taht were gonna end up back living with hubby's parents! We've pretty much packed everything though so we can move straight away.
Probably wasn't the best time for me to leave my job, but in 2 weeks fx we'll be moving, and baby is much more important than money. X
Misskth, is that the Japanese method where if you've not used it in a year, you chuck it?

PB, just don't tell them you have pets. Simples! You can also apply for council housing as you've been made homeless and are expecting

Misskth I have been trying to tackle our 3rd bedroom/junk room too! At the moment all our clothes are in there too so God knows where they're going to end up going. Baby won't sleep in there for a good while after being born but I'd rather have it all sorted before September just so it's one less thing to worry about.

PB, I remember trying to house hunt with a dog. It's a bloody nightmare. Half the landlords that'll accept dogs are total dumps. We ended up having to compromise and picked a house with a lot of potential that we had to decorate to make it liveable. But its not exactly what you want to do when you're renting.

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