semen analysis


Jan 11, 2011
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hey, does anyone know how much it is to have semen analysis done privately? there is a two month wait on NHS in my area but next fertility appt is at beginning of Jan and really don't want to reschedule and have to wait ages for another appt.

Basically had 4 bfn cycles on clomid (have pcos) we already have an 11 year old son and hubby was checked out at same time as me back when we were tring to concieve him and all was ok then, was low on something, cant remember what but we put it down to the fact that he missed the pot and then had to quickly try and produce a bit more :rotfl:

I have been taking 50mg clomid for last 4 cycles and appear to be ovulating so now they want to check hubby out again, as they said its been a while and things may have changed.
I paid £60 for a cheapy crappy one and i wasn't very satisfied with the facilities or the results.

Then i paid £295 for one where we got the results on the day and got to speak to a head embryologist and it was fab.

I think anything around £100 should do the trick though :)
whereabouts in the uk are you? that wait is ridiculous - my hubby got sent home from gp with a wee pot and a form to fill in and told do your business and drop it off at the hospital infertility clinic within an hour - no appointment had to be made or anything and had results a week later. It never fails to astonish me the variances in the services provided by the bloody NHS!!!
I can't believe there is a 2 month waiting list for you for this.
We had our first appointment at ACU this past wednesday and were given the form and a pot, and like 'itisbabytime' OH was told to 'fill it' and drop it off at the hospital within an hour.

Do not mean to hijack the thread but wondered how important it is to get it there within that hour? we didn't think until after we left but he has to drop it off between 9-10.30am at a hospital that will probably take an hour to get to if traffic is bad as I expect it will be that time of the day.
Hi tinkerbell, it's pretty important it's within an hour as the sperm can start to die after this time which will obviously affect the result. My hubby did his at the hospital to get over this issue, they have a special room and everything lol!! Would that be a possibilty for your OH could do this? Xxx
My dh did a 4th sperm sample last week i.e 4th being over the years. He had to be booked in for this so it took 2wks to the date he was given to come in with his sample. 2mths does seem a long time, but a lot of these labs at fertility clinics are very busy hence my dh's 2ww for his appointment. Cant belive them that had theres done that same day of being given a letter to do the sample. That fab!!

My dh went to a fertility clinic where they do ivf etc so maybe thats why he had to wait 2wks because of it being a actual ivf clinic & a very busy one too. I Cant express enough as others have said above, that your sample needs to be done either on site at the hospital if you live far from the hospital, as your sample is no good after 30minutes. Lucky for us we live close to our clinic so its 10 minute drive, my dh can do his at home.

My dh's 1st sample was done privatley & cost £120 at CARE fertility. x
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Apparently there are no 'facilities' at the hospital to do it there, he'll just have to be ready to leave once its done and get there asap.
Actually what an idiot I am, just checked the form and an appointment does have to be made to drop the sample off, will find out tomorrow the wait time :wall2:
We paid £90 for my hubbys test, and they called with the results in 2 days and explained it very thoroughly! The NHS test we had was useless and gave us a poor result! I would def pay to get it done privately hon xxxx

Thanks for all your replies ladies! we have booked a private test at complete fertility care in southampton as it isnt too far. They were lovely and friendly and said they have no waiting list :dance:

had to book in for tues next week to arrange time off etc... said it would cost £95 which isnt too bad, and at least we will have results when we go back to see consultant in Jan.

Bit nervous now, i was hoping it was just me with the problems lol, but after 4 cycles of clomid and no success its making me wonder.

nothing I can do but wait I guess, but i'm just trying to stay positive and think that if there's no problems with it then we can start the clomid again with IUI.
Glad you've managed to book an appointment and don't have that long NHS wait, hope all comes back fine.

It's crazy how the NHS varies in different areas, I rang this morning to arrange OH's test and they could do it as early as this friday but as it's not convenient for work have booked for next monday.
when u take the sample to th ehospital make sure he keeps the pot tucked in his shirt or waistband to keep it warm, ewwwwwww but required!!!
when u take the sample to th ehospital make sure he keeps the pot tucked in his shirt or waistband to keep it warm, ewwwwwww but required!!!

:) Thanks hun, i think he would prefer to do that but we live more than an hour away from the clinic so he has to do it in a special room there.

In a way im quite glad he has to suffer some embarassment too, ive been poked and proded far too many times so it's only fair lol.
whereabouts in the uk are you? that wait is ridiculous - my hubby got sent home from gp with a wee pot and a form to fill in and told do your business and drop it off at the hospital infertility clinic within an hour - no appointment had to be made or anything and had results a week later. It never fails to astonish me the variances in the services provided by the bloody NHS!!!

Same for us, I went for a follow up appointment and was sent home with a pot for OH (he wasnt even at the appointment!)
Was able to drop it at the hospital whenever was convenient for us - which happened to be the next day :)

I cant believe the variation :shock: between areas.

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