Screening Tests?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hi all,
Just got my midwife appointment for 31st March, cant wait. I'll be 8 wks by then. But ive been asked to make the decision about screening for downs syndrome. I really dont know what to do, because i dont like the sound of the further tests if the screening comes back positive and id just be panicing and worrying about it then. Just wondered what others had decided or what your advice would be? Thanks xx
I didn't have the blood test but went for the 20 week anomaly scan. My reason was that even if I know there was a chance baby may be high risk for an abnormality I would proceed with the pregnancy anyway, and knowing there was high risk would have made me worry more. My midwife said the anomaly scan would pick up if there were serious problems (which thankfully everything looked good with bubs) so I was happy enough with that. Just my reasons and I'm happy with my decisions so far.
As far as I'm aware with the blood test they use the results from the blood but also factor in your age, weight, medical conditions etc to give an idea of risk, be it high or low.
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We decided not to have the tests done but will have the 20 weeks scan done. It's personal choice and I know most people want to know so they're prepared. Good luck with what you decide.
Thanks for that, just think if it tells me i am high risk then, i'll be even more worried and I wouldnt want the extra probing to find out for def, because according to the paper work its still a very slim chance. Is that scan you had additionally to the normal 20 wk scan or instead? sorry for being a bit dumb x
The standard 20 week scan is to check for abnormalities, just as the 10-14 week scan (often referred to as the 12 week scan) is a dating scan. So not an extra. Hope this helps!
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Ok thanks, so everyone has the 12 wk and 20 wk scans? I think? x
When they ask you if you want the blood tests done if you say no they'll also ask if you still want the scan doing. I was like Yeah I want the scan! Lol
Yup everyone should be offered them now. But some areas are different and can be funny if you've had to have an early scan for whatever reason you then lose out on the 12 wk. Oh and I meant to say, they blood tests aren't done til 15-16 weeks I think so even though they might ask, I don't think you have to decide straight away, at least I didn't!
Same here Helen! I suppose the medical reasons for having the scans are clear but we get so much more out of them than just knowing everything is where it should be!
Hubby and I were just talking about this! I am a little confused on the process for testing for Downs Syndrome. Sorry if I am being thick but what is the process? I dont think we would like to know as we would carry on with the pregnancy regardless. x
If it's the same as it is here the NHS offer you a triple test which is a blood test at 16 weeks each and the 20 week scan also checks.

You can pay for a private test called anm OSCAR which is a scan and blood test with combined results then given - this needs to be between 11-14 weeks if you want it.

I had the OSCAR with my little boy cos OH wanted it done but totally personal choice what you do or don't test for

Hope this helps
I've not heard it called OSCAR but I assume that's the same as the NT or nuchal test. That's a scan to measure the nuchal fold between 10 and 14 weeks and bloods. It's like the triple test but slightly more sophisticated. Most areas in the UK dont seem to offer it on the NHS (mine certainly doesnt) but you can get it done privately for about £200.

The thing with screening for me is this: You need to ask yourself this......If you got a 'positive' result would you continue with the pregnancy? (you dont need to answer that BTW!)

For me I'm not sure I would or not but for some they know that they definitely would continue regardless. If that's you then my opinion is why worry yourself? Some might say it's good to be prepared though so it's very much down to the individual :)
i declined having the blood test and nucheal scan but am having a scan at 12wks just to reassure me all ok i was told the 12wk neachul and the blood test results are added together to give you a percentage rate of what your risk is as i would go ahead with pregnancy anyhow midwife said why worry yourself if it not going to change outcome in your pregnancy book that comes in the pack gp gave me it expains in great detail about the tests that are done x
We too have decided to refuse the tests but will have the 20wk scan, for me it would just worry me too much(im a wreck already) and because we wouldn't act on the results anyway it seems a waste of time.
NicOla, I agree. Think im just going to decline them x

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