screaming :/

As someone else said, it is just a waste of energy to scream...:shock:

Try stubbing your toe in silence, then x10000 that pain, it's not easy and I don't think you can help it if you make noise (and believe me, you don't care either) x
my friend was telling me if u scream then the baby goes back up !! not sure if that is rite !! but i guess it takes all ur energy as well ,but if it is strong pain i guess u will scream
I know I've never been in labour so it's all well and good for me to be idealistic BUT lots of women have said they've managed to go through labour / been on labour wards and not heard banshee-esque screaming :shock:

I know I am not going to be silent [I am not a Scientologist :lol:] but I do plan to try and conserve my energy and use breathing techniques to help as opposed to waste my energy by screaming my head off.

As I say I know I've not been through it - who knows I could be a screamer afterall??

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I thought I would be the silent type but I found myself groaning without realising on the contractions, until my epidural was put in. Then blissful silence and no pain. I could well have been a screamer with no epi when it got to the end! Hopefully I'll never have to find out and I'll always get an epi in time if I have any more :lol:
Now I just wanna see if I am going to scream lol :) I hope not.......

I'll let you all know once he is out lol xxxx
My mw tokens screaming is a waste of energy and doesnt help. She said focus on ur breathing in contractions and its more manageable. I didnt scream with my first but my second I let out a big yelp when crowning that bloody stung.

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Try stubbing your toe in silence, then x10000 that pain, it's not easy and I don't think you can help it if you make noise (and believe me, you don't care either) x

I have never screamed when I've stubbed my toe. I've cursed! But not screamed or yelped x

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You really cant predict how you will behave at the time. My midwife told me that those don't opt for much pain relief scream more - not because they're in more pain but because it's much more primal, more natural. It's not screaming like a normal scream either, it's the sound of pure pain, and you don't even realise you're doing it, let alone have any control.

Personally I didn't scream. I didn't have any pain relief either. My mind just took me away from it all when the pain was at its worst. Apparently I was talking some real mumbo jumbo about bushes and Harry potter tho hehe. I've never read a hp book or even seen a hp film so Your guess is as good as mine :shrug:
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Try stubbing your toe in silence, then x10000 that pain, it's not easy and I don't think you can help it if you make noise (and believe me, you don't care either) x

I have never screamed when I've stubbed my toe. I've cursed! But not screamed or yelped x

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No I haven't screamed when I've stubbed my toe but I've "sh!t, f@ck!! Etc."
What I'm saying is its hard to hold that in, it's a natural reaction to the pain.
Some go into themselves, some scream.
You really can't know until you're there.
Don't underestimate the searing pain of a contraction though, I completely understand why some scream/cry out x
I didn't scream and only had gas and air. I did moan when I was pushing though! x
I forgot to say I was in labour with number 2 for 4 days & didn't scream once until the pushing stage, which lasted for 30mins. I screamed that whole time. The reason they say not to scream is because you need to push at that stage, and kinda ignore the pain, thats the difficult bit...not screaming but pushing instead & yeah if you scream, your not pushing, therefore baby doesn't come out. They told me to push thro the scream. My OH's face was a picture, i didn't scream 1st time so he thought it'd be the same. He was saying...shhhhhh loool

You really don't care at the time though do you. It's that bit near the end (they call it transition), the pain is monumental and relentless. I found that thats the point where a lot of ladies either go right into themselves, screaming begins or the "I can't do it" starts coming out.
Can't wait to do it again (not ;) ) x
I'm really looking forward to this whole labour lark :-/

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You should look forward to it, it's exciting :)
It's nothing to be scared of, the pain is productive not like illness or injury x
Uch you's will all forget it once you have your baby.

Cosmic i was screaming for a section & saying I didn't want baby any more ect - during the transition. I suppose the MW's have heard it all.

Transition is definitely when most lose the plot - no doubt about it!
I felt like I wanted to get off the bed and go home, it hits you like a truck x
During transition i pretty much just thought i needed to do a really huge poo lol. No screaming :)

Labour really is something to look forward to. Even if you scream or shout and just stay silent you're still bringing your LO into the world so just focus on the end result. :)
That's true, who cares who screams or doesn't???? Mw's have seen it all and more :) x

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