Screaming/crying when waking up.

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I nw this swounds daft, and I'm not rally concerned about it as it isn't bothering me too much, but when Damine wakes up he always cries or screams till I attend to him.
I've never left him to cry, I settle him to sleep and refuse to do crying time as I don't think a baby this young benefits from it (own personal views, I understand some of you do this!) BUT is this probably the resons he cries?

As I say, it dopesn't bother me, I happy t run to him when he wants me, I'm his mummy and it's what I'm here for, I'm just curious if anyone elses baby does this and how you treat them?

I know of someone who treats her daughter the same as I treat Damien (doesn't do crying time and she attends to her when she cries) yet she wakes up in the mornings and after naps happy and doesn't need attending to straight away.

Cheers in advance. :)
When Daniel was young if he woke crying, I would check on him, but not get him up. If he continued crying I would go in every 10 minutes to reassure him, but again not get him up. Now when he wakes up he plays with his toys and amuses himself until I go in, no tears. The advantage is that I now know that if he DOES cry, it's because something is wrong, and not just because he wants my attention, so I can go straight in and see to him.
Damien is still in my bedroom so is right next to me when he wakes up. I won't be moving him out for a while either (I don't feel comfortable with doing it yet after his breathing problems).

Any suggestions (except moving him out of my room! lol)
Ewan always wakes up crying after his nap so i always go get him, in the monrings he will wake and play away to him self, think he does this during the night, bt i don't hear - only when he cries to be fed!
I do the same with Jayden but she hardly ever cries, that's why when she does cry I do tend to her as there is normally something wrong like she has a bit of trapped wind or something. There's probably nothing wrong with him crying when he wakes up, loads of babies do that. Maybe he's a bit scared when he wakes as he feels alone and is still adjusting ? and needs him mum. I'm sure he will settle as he gets a bit older. I'd carry on ndoing what you are doing honey cos he was premature it might take him a bit longer to settle (as in age wise). My ex had a go once because Jayden was crying but it was cos he was over tired and I'll stand it till she goes to sleep. Don't change what you are doing if you are happy and just give him a bit of time :). xxx
Hey Sami :lol:

Not sure if you are refering to Phoebe in your post about your friends daughter? I am kind of assuming you are. :lol:
Phoebe has only been waking up with out crying since she has been able to hold her head up properly for long periods and since she has been rolling front to back.
Damien isn't quite there yet so I wouldn't let it bug you.
Don't you remember what Phoebe used to be like? She used to cry for ages when she woke from her day naps. :wall:
Ruby sometimes wakes up screaming her head off and even when you pick her up she doesnt stop. Shes not really a crying baby, but she does seem to cry in her sleep and make whimpering noises so we're wondering if she has nightmares!!! But do babys have nightmares????

Its usually in the afternoon nap time she screams herself awake, in the evening bedtime shes as good as gold, goes down quite happily in her crib and then when she wakes in the morning the just lays there and plays until I get up! Cant understand it all myself.
Seren will cry after her afternoon nap as she is usually woken up by something and it upsets her. In the morning though she is content to chat away to me so I have to get up. Is there something waking him up, like a car engine, alarm or something?
Rooander said:
Ruby sometimes wakes up screaming her head off and even when you pick her up she doesnt stop. Shes not really a crying baby, but she does seem to cry in her sleep and make whimpering noises so we're wondering if she has nightmares!!! But do babys have nightmares???? .

The other night I heard Seren crying so went to go and puick her up but she was asleep. Really sobbing but then suddenly stopped, it was weird :shock:
Its really odd as shes been doing alot, its like shes having a really bad nightmare but at this age surely they dont have anything to make theri minds have nightmares.

We always joke that she is dreaming that my boobies have dropped off
BubbleOne said:
Hey Sami :lol:

Not sure if you are refering to Phoebe in your post about your friends daughter? I am kind of assuming you are. :lol:
Phoebe has only been waking up with out crying since she has been able to hold her head up properly for long periods and since she has been rolling front to back.
Damien isn't quite there yet so I wouldn't let it bug you.
Don't you remember what Phoebe used to be like? She used to cry for ages when she woke from her day naps. :wall:

yeah I was and I guess you are right. I'm not too bothered, just more curious - hope he chill sout a bit more!! :lol:
Kacy was doing that a week ago or so in her nap time she would wake up screaming and wouldn't seattle for ages i couldn't put her down cos she would cry more but she would still cry for ages when i was holding her close to me,

The only thing i could think it was that she was having night mares or she woke up and the heating was on and it moved the blind in her bedroom and it scared her a little bit or noise from next door they can be noisey sometimes.

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