Scarlet Eleanor Joan B


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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at last my little girl has arrived !

I was induced on thursday 30th june after a growth scan revealed the baby was very small and a lack of fluids around her..We arrived at hospital at 9 am and first reported to the antenatal ward where we had our appointment,there we found out that I was classified 'high risk' and we got transferred straight to the labour ward,gulp ! I got given the pessary and the gel thingy.We were sharing a horrible poxy room with another lady,all the view I had was a curtain on each side and a white board in front of me...I thought OMG I could be here for 4 days as well !
I went for a walk around 2 and I felt a lot of pressure in my 'foof' making it very uncomfortable to stand up.About 5 ish I started with a mild period pain,I thought I had food poisoning as for some reason I thought contractions were to be felt higher than at the botom of your belly !
By 9 pm I was in agony and I heard the word I was dreading...'you're 1 cm dilated,this baby won't be there before hours !
I started to cry at the next contraction as I thought there is no way I can't be feeling like this for hours and I'm only 1 cm ! Eventually the mw told me that we would move to a labour room as I was getting louder and the poor woman next to me wanted to get some rest and I suppose it must have been horrible for her to hear me moaning and we moved a short while later and the mw gave me some gas and air saying 'it might be a bit early for that but I can see you're in real went quite quick from there ! she kept asking me if I had any back pain but the pain at the front were so bad I couldn't even feel the rest of my body ! So I stood up for a while (I was attached to the monitor alll along and the baby seemed content enough and after a few gulps of gas and air I felt like I was going to pass out so Paul and the midwife helped me back to the bed..Then I screamed 'I need to push' ! A doctor arrived and checked me,she turned to the bemused midwife and say shes ready ! It took 3 pushes for Scarlet to come out ! I was in complete shock when she arrived ..they took her straight to check if she was ok as my waters may have been dripping for a while and there was a funny smell..Scarlet was born at 11.35 pm and weighted 5lbs 13..she is beautiful and we adore her ! she started breastfeeding a few minutes later and I hope to keep breastfeeding even thought I find it very hard at the moment !
The pain was nothin like I'd ever expected ...but yes it was all worth it !

sorry no joy with downloading pics !
Congratulations Wookie! You sound like you did really well, especially dilating so quickly in the end! No wonder you were in that amount of pain! Lovely name by the way! :love:
Aww well done! congratulations on your baby girl xx
Aww congratualtions hunni xx
Massive congratulations cant wait for the pics....and gorgeous name we had it on our list too lol xxx
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Blimey that all happened so quick! Congratulations hun. x
Well done hun! Breastfeeding isn't always easy, but it's so worth trying & if you can continue to do it x

Sunnyb xxx
Congratulations and Well done!

x x x

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