Eleanor born 29th December 2006


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Well i went to be induced on Thursday 28th December as my waters were low and they were worried that she wasn't growing. So i rang the hospital at 9am as asked and they told me to go in for about 11am. Me and my partner got there and were taken to a ward where i was put on a monitor to check everything was ok and had my BP checked they said everything was fine but they were busy on the labour ward so they couldn't induce me just yet. So we waited and waited ............... until it got to 4pm still no-one had said when they were going to start me off so my partner asked they said it would definately be that day, then the nurse came and said we will do it at 7pm and she did finally! I had to lie still for 30mins for the tablet to be able to take affect she said i was already dilated approx. 2cm anyway after lying there for 30mins i got up and we walked around the hospital they say it works better if you keep aactive. Well i was getting a few pains but nothing to bad by 9pm so my partner had to leave due to visiting hours and me being on a ward. So he went and things really kicked off but they said they would ring him when he was needed they told me to have a bath (which did nothing!) I was bouncing on the birthing ball when the pain got too much i called the nurse she put me on the moniotr but the pain got too much i needed a shot of pethidine to help me just lie there. Well at 1.30am they rang my partner to come and took me upto the labour ward once a room was free. Once up there i had gas and air whoch is AMAZING!! All of a sudden i felt this pressure and just needed to push so i did and at 3.01am Eleanor was born!!! It was amazing i couldn't believe it i had had a baby! I still can't believe it now. She weighed 6lb 13.5 ounces not bad considering they thought she wasn't growing and i only needed 1 stitch (that was painful enough). I will post some pictures soon when i figure it out. Sorry its so long Grace and Eleanor xxx
Congratulations Grace!!

Sounds like you had a pretty straight forward birth once you FINALLY got induced! :wall:

Welcome Eleanor and well done you :cheer:
congratulations grace and welcome baby eleanor :cheer: :hug: xxxx
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing piccies of baby Eleanor soon!
many congratulations..... can't wait to see the pics!!!
hiya girls i want to put a piccy of Eleanor on this post you u can all see what she looks like but i'm not to sure on how to do it can anyone tell me how to? Thanks Gracexx[/list][/list]
Massive congratulations! Eleanor is such a pretty name and I bet she is a pretty baby too :hug:
awwwwwwwwww she is absolutely gorgeous hun, really beautiful :hug: :hug: look at all that lovely hair too :hug: Congratulations :hug: xxxx
Ah hun, she is beautiful, a lovely birth story and yes it is so weird and amazing when you think 'my god I have just had a baby'!!!! :D :D :D :D
thanks girls i can't believe how much hair she has!! just like her daddy when he was born!

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