coming from a mans point of view, sex if very scary now. always thinking to much about stuff when your having it. must not go too deep, must not do that position. kinda puts a downer on things, (no punt intended, lol) cos theres always that little voice in the back of your head saying what if, is this really worth it, how are you going to feel if it happens again.
so so scary. my mrs feels the same, after having 2 MC and not knowing what caused them, you cant help thinking what if. but her sex drive went for weeks and weeks, and now she seems like a new women. all of sudden. i think her hormones have sorted themselfs out now.
she spotted the other night, and always has an ache afterwards. but she is always fine after a while. baby if doing perfect.
just dont do what your not happy doing. dont worry yourselfs over it. if your unsure about it then dont do it. no harm in holding back a few more weeks. in mine and my wifes eyes, if its gonna happen it will. if it dont then all the better.
your baby, your rules!!
good luck everybody.