scan tomorrow and panic setting in


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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well got another scan tomorrow and starting to panic :( i was told at my last scan 2 weeks ago that there was too much fuid round baby and that he was quite big, so therefore typical symptoms of gest diabetes i had my gtt test the monday after and that was clear so just now wondering what could be causing the excess fluid, stupid me i looked up possible causes on www and have sent myself into mega panic mode :doh: has anyone else had the excess fluid and all has been ok i would lve to hear from you.
Sorry no real advise for you but I just wanted to wish you luck and hope it all goes ok :hug:
thank you for your well wishes, i'm probably over reacting but not many people seem to have too much fluid it seems to be the other way round and its too little, i suppose time will tell and we should find out more tomorrow.
:hug: good luck with the scan. I'm sure everything will be just fine :)
Again, I don't have any advice for you.....sorry.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and give you some hugs. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure everything will be fine. Let us know how you get on when you get back. xxx
My friend was told she had too much fluid and sent for a scan then the scan showed everything was normal, im sure all will be fine hun. Good luck :hug:
well got another scan tomorrow and starting to panic :( i was told at my last scan 2 weeks ago that there was too much fuid round baby and that he was quite big, so therefore typical symptoms of gest diabetes i had my gtt test the monday after and that was clear so just now wondering what could be causing the excess fluid, stupid me i looked up possible causes on www and have sent myself into mega panic mode :doh: has anyone else had the excess fluid and all has been ok i would lve to hear from you.
Sorry no real advise for you but I just wanted to wish you luck and hope it all goes ok :hug:
thank you for your well wishes, i'm probably over reacting but not many people seem to have too much fluid it seems to be the other way round and its too little, i suppose time will tell and we should find out more tomorrow.
:hug: good luck with the scan. I'm sure everything will be just fine :)
Again, I don't have any advice for you.....sorry.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and give you some hugs. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure everything will be fine. Let us know how you get on when you get back. xxx
My friend was told she had too much fluid and sent for a scan then the scan showed everything was normal, im sure all will be fine hun. Good luck :hug:
I too have heard of girls being told they have more fluid than normal.... BUT they have all turned out to have healthy normal babies.... your scan will be able to tell you more. try not to worry..... good luck sweetheart,
lv yvonne xx
well i'm back and feeling little more positive i had a fantastic doctor and scan lady, my fluid levels have gone up again but they have checked as far as they can for any abnormalities that may cause this and all looks ok for now, they checked for hair lip but cant check for cleft pallet but his face looks ok so if it is hair lip its only a small one, his kidneys and bladder look ok so it could just be one of those little mysteries, i wont really know fully till our baby is here but at the moment i have every reason to be positive he is also measuring quite big so that is a good indication as well, thank you all for all your support it really makes a diffrence :hug:

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