Scan tomorrow and getting nervous! ***UPDATED WITH PICS ***

Congratulations again hunny :) im so pleased for you,been waiting to see your pics since you texted this morning, LO is so cute :) your pics are so clear. What was your OH like at the scan? x x

aww thanks Kezza that's so sweet, hope you're okay have missed having you around! Hey M2A well I've just got in from town, so came straight onto laptop to post pics! OH was amazed at the scan I think, he couldn't believe how clearly you could see everything and the sonogapher we had was great pointing out what was what. When he dropped me off in town I said "Bye daddy" and he had the most massive g\rin on his face! x x
Awww, thats so sweet hunny :) and its great that you had a good sonographer, some off them dont explain anything. So are you shouting your news from the rooftops now? Ill be listening for you :)
Did you get any nice maternity clothes today? x x

You don't know how much I wanted to shout the good news when I came out of there lol! Rang my mum instead and gave her a running commentry hee hee. Well I got 2 maternity bras - gone from a size C/D to an E!!!!! Got a couple more pairs of stretchy leggings and some black linen combat trousers from the maternity section in peacocks. Seen a pair of jeans I like in Dorothy Perkins but they didn't have my size so going to check back later this week. Oh and another pack of - you've guessed it - WHITE KNICKERS!! lol! x x
Awwww how sweet, so pleased it went so well :-) its the most amazing experience ever having the scan.
:-) :-)

Can't believe will will both soon be off to Tri 2!

Let me know if you found any maternity clothes (I have no idea what to buy!), I can't believe it but I think I've got a little bump already! I am a size 6/8 though so maybe I will show quicker??
Awwww how sweet, so pleased it went so well :-) its the most amazing experience ever having the scan.
:-) :-)

Can't believe will will both soon be off to Tri 2!

Let me know if you found any maternity clothes (I have no idea what to buy!), I can't believe it but I think I've got a little bump already! I am a size 6/8 though so maybe I will show quicker??

I know where has the time gone?? I have a little bump too - was size 8/10 before with a fairly flat stomach so I agree any little bit of extra weight notices! Like I say peacocks had quite a good selection which was reasonably priced, up until now though I have been living in stretchy leggings then just getting long tops to go over them - there are lots of nice smocky tops about at the mo. H&M also has a good selection of long vests - only £3.99 - bargain! x x
thanks Amyrose, only 4 weeks till you'll be 12 weeks - you'll find the time starts to go quicker soon :) x x
aww congrats bella thats a lovlely scan pic cant wait to have my scan now :)
YEY!! Love the pics, there amazing. Cant wait for mine now seriouly wishing this next week away!

Work is really tiring today and for the first time may clothes are feelin VERY tight and not comfy on my belly.

Hope everyone is well. xx
god thats scary :O me and my hubby have been giggling im gonna be mahoosive for the summer.
I normally start showing really early my boobs have gone from a c to and e cup they are like lethal weapons! I think i will be paying a trip to peacocks and D perkins afert my scan :D
What a cutie! In the first pic it looks like he's whistling! And ours had their legs crossed too at our first scan & has continued to be wriggly and naughty for our other two scans LOL! So glad it went well for you xxx
Awww cute pics.

Glad your scan went well.

Mines went great, really chuffed. But I wont gatecrash your thread with my pics so i'll post seperate in Tri 1 and 2.

So glad your scan went well hun and your pics are very cute x
thanks girls. Hope you're okay Nurse, hope you get a lovely holiday booked up soon x x
Awwww those photo's brought tears to my eyes :(
Just 6 weeks and I'll be having my first scan!
Glad it all went well for you.

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