6 week scan tomorrow- UPDATE


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I am so nervous about it tomorrow. So far I have sore boobs, sensitive smell and heart burn after everything I eat. So fingers crossed everything on symptom side tells me it is all well. Tomorrow morning I have the ultrasound scan and what should I expect at the 6 week scan? Heartbeat I have read everywhere is what they will be looking for. It is with the NHS so I presume it will be the scan with the technician and I will come home or do I ask them to see the doctor? I dont want to waste anyone's time but it is our first scan and we are nervous and worried, excited and praying and then thinking - what next?

I have yet to ring the doctors to book a midwife appointment but was thinking of ringing tomorrow after the scan.

Pray for us please that we come back home smiling tomorrow AM. Sorry this is a bit long...
Not sure what you will see. i was 16 weeks when i had my first scan. I am under the impression the first scan is to date the pregnancy, see if all is ok and see how many babies you are carrying. This is what i was told anyway. Good luck and dont forget to post ya pics.
My 1st scan was when I was 13 weeks and it was so quick!

All they did was check there is only one and that there is a heartbeat

Its the 20 week scan thats the most interesting ;)
Good luck for tomorrow.

I think you'll have an internal scan because it is still early, don't worry though. It's not painful or as embarrassing as you'll think. They do it all the time!

You see a load of black, and I remember them having to zoom in a few times, so be patient. Then a tiny little 'halo' should appear and you'll see it beating away.

They'll draw a couple of lines on the screen which will give them a good guess of your dates, then a print out if you're lucky and that's it I think.
Oh is it definate internal? I thought it would be like the normal ultrasound. Now that makes me feel a little queezy but I guess I should just be grateful they are doing this early scan - so anything really for peace of mind. Will prepare myself for either scan emotionally.
Not definitely, but I think so. Please don't fret about it though, they're so professional and you don't feel awkward.

Remember to need to loo though!
We had a 5wk 5dy scan, and its just like any other, the 12 or 20wk. You'll get the cold jelly on the tummy, and an ultrasound tech will check over your uterus and tell you what they see :hug: :hug: :hug: I would just say if you have any questions, ask. Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope it goes ok today chick, you should see a little blob :lol:

I had an external ultrasound scan at 8 weeks and all I could see was a blob with a bright flashing light - the heart beat. That will be all they're looking for at this stage I would think.

Best of luck with it xxx

Just returned from the hospital. Very confused. Help or advice needed otherwise I will go mad.

So went in for the u/s this morning, initially the lady performed the normal u/s and she could see a sac but thats it. This was the first time I had been for a scan and seen anything like it. So did not know what to expect. She asked if she could do an internal scan and not promising she would be able to see anything more as it is so early in the pregnancy and I agreed - ofcourse. Disappointing to say nothing more was seen, just a gestational sac and she mentioned two cysts on the right ovary. I believe I am 6 weeks pregnant but that is with my calculations. On 14th December I had a positive OPK so I am presuming it was that BD that got me pregnant. I am sorry this is becoming long but this is what the U/S report reads:

The Uterus is Anteverted and contains a single regular gestation sac measuring approx 13mm = 5-6 weeks size. No fetal echoes identified yet? Too Early. There are two simple cysts on the right ovary measuring 3.2 cm and 2.1 cm. No Adnexal massess or free fluid seen. Rescan in 2 weeks 25th Jan for viability.

So ladies - please help out. I am going mental reading everything on the internet. I have read about blighted ovum, I have read about pregnancy that could fail? I am trying to stay calm and this is going to be the longest 2 week wait for the next scan. The technician said it is probably too early to see anything but I cant help but worry. Has anyone else experienced this and found out later it is a healthy pregnancy?

Thanks all for your replies in advance
sorry I don't know what to say that will help but wanted to give u these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Neev, don't wind yourself up - it is VERY early to see anything at all, and the fact the sac is there is a good sign. You will be able to see much more at 8 weeks and the chances are high that everything is fine anyway.

Bless you - please try not to stress yourself out as there's nothing you can do other than wait the two weeks, when I'm sure we will be reading a post going "YAY there's a heartbeat" from you :hug:
this is why early scans arent always great , babes heart doesnt even start beating till 6 weeks + so if your under that then she wouldnt have been able to see anything by 8 weeks u will be able to see the heartbeat and if there nice turn on the sound and hear it too .
Please dont panic hun if you OV'd say 36 hours after your positive OK then you could be just under 6 weeks and therefore not see anything, when i had my miscarriage last time there was no sac seen even so it is a good sign that they are seeing a regular sac i would have thought

:hug: :hug:
Thanks so much, I am already beginning to have faith and feel better. I have recalculated my dates and according to the tech and the new dates calculator it looks like I am 5wks 6 days today. My cycle has always been bang on regular 28 days.

She did say the two cysts are very normal, nothing to worry about - they form very often during pregnancy - early stages. I just felt like she was saying all this to make me feel better?

I also have woken up yesterday with a few spots on my face and neck, very unusual for me but again going through this forum that is a healthy sign of pregnancy?

Honestly dont know what I would do without you all on this forum anymore. DH has been so wonderful, sat down researching with me on the internet and oh he is so positive, I want to be too but that fear niggling in the back of my head is overtaking my brain!!! Roll on 2 weeks! :pray:
What the others have said :hug:

Plus, stop reading too much stuff from the web. You'll only torment yourself more. It really is better to stay away from such reading.

At the moment its not bad news, there is a sac there, chances are its just too early to see anything else. If you still feel pregnant, then try to relax a little and go with it. Stressing out won't help you.
too much information can be a bad thing, the stats state that you have more chance of having a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful babba then for anything to go wrong, things are jsut a wee bit early, relax and look after yourself hon x

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