Got my scan tommorrow at 11:30 and I am so scared
Just back from Crete last night, had a bit of a scare just before we left - I have never had any bleeding during this pregnancy and the night before we flew out I had a bit of brown blood. It was only when I wiped and to be honest there was hardly anything there at all but it really scared me
Not had anything since and still felt really sick everyday of my holiday which I am taken as a good sign
I know it was probably nothing but now instead of being really excited about tommorrow I am just really scared
Didn't sleep at all last night worrying about it, don't think tonight's going to be much better.

Just back from Crete last night, had a bit of a scare just before we left - I have never had any bleeding during this pregnancy and the night before we flew out I had a bit of brown blood. It was only when I wiped and to be honest there was hardly anything there at all but it really scared me

Not had anything since and still felt really sick everyday of my holiday which I am taken as a good sign

I know it was probably nothing but now instead of being really excited about tommorrow I am just really scared