drinking before scan - and I don't mean the alcholic type!!!

drea b

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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OK - how much water should I look to drink before my scan tommorrow?

I have never had the constantly going to the toilet problem until this last week - now I can hardly go 30 minutes without needing to go :oops: and if I don't go it really hurts so I'm starting to worry. Was getting some funny looks on the plane back from Crete yesterday - I'm sure everyone thought I was ill because I spent so much time going back ad forward to the loo :lol:
I was told a pint , 1 hour before.
I emptied my bladder :oops: just before this.. but they spend about 5 mins of the scan.. having to 'Half Empty' my bladder... which is a pretty strange thing to do. Then I had to Half Empty again, 15 mins later, as I was still too full :-)

Good luck
at my 12 week scan i was gettin realllllly angry cuz my bladder was so full an sonograher was pushin down on my tummy felt like i was gona explode. But then again i did get a really good 12 week pic =]
do test runs hun
my bladder only holds half a pint if i drink anymore i get told its to full for a scan
so drink a pint and see how long you can hold it for then add or take as needed
also alow for the fact when you are nervous you will need to pee more lol
manda xx
I had a scan first thing in the morning, so had my morning pee, then drunk about half a pint of water at home, then sipped a small bottle of water all the way to the hospital - which was probably about a pint, maybe just over.

It was fine, I wasn't even that desperate to pee after the scan. Don't drink too much and try to space it out, cos otherwise all you can think about is wetting you knicks and you forget to enjoy the scan!
been trying to 'practice' all day. I only get through half a bottle of water and I'm rushin to the loo :wall: :wall:

I think I'm putting to much pressure on myself now :lol: I need to chill and think of something else (not running water!!!!!)
Just drink as much as you can. You will need to wee when you come out - you'll be absolutely desperate but it gives a better view cos when your bladders really full it pushes your uterus up :D
muppetmummy said:
How do you empty half your bladder? Once I start I can't stop :lol:

me and hubby ponder over that aswell when they ask me to empty my bladder a little i cant and it all comes out i still get good pics though i think
manda xx
I was told my bladder was too full.Had a pint before i left home and sipped anopther bottle on the way to hospital. When they had a look they said my bladder was too full and to try and wee half of it.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Now my pelvic floor isn't what it was but once I started I couldn't stop and if I'd have stood up what was left would have run down my leg anyway!!

I ended up having a vaginal scan which was really clear anyway. Hee hee.........
wee half of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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