Scan at 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
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Hi ladies,

This is my first post over in tri 1.

I am 5+3 today, due May 30th. Took clomid 50mg and didn't get any monitoring so they have booked me an early scan on Tuesday when I will be 6 weeks exactly to check how many babies there are.

Just wondering if anyone has had a scan this early and how likely it would be to see a hb? I did a bit of a Google and came across people panicking because no hb had shown up, but my understanding is that this is the earliest time it could be seen. I'm just worried there won't be one and I'll go in to a panic (even though it's not a viability scan).
It depends on how fast your bean develop's. The hb starts to be seen in the 6th week. I had one scan at 5 weeks this time and there was just a sac and one scan at 7w where there was a baby and a hb. I've had many scans in the 6th week with all my miscarriagestuff and towards the end of the week the hb could be seen but towards the start it's been difficult.
Hiya, I've also got a clomid pregnancy. I had to wait until 7 weeks before they would scan me (I was 7+3 by ovulation dates but they measured baby behind at 6+5) and we saw a strong heartbeat. Just the one, even though I ovulated from both sides, they were quite thorough and checked all over in case a second was hiding or ectopic but have decided there is just the one. Good luck :)
I had a scan at 5+4 and there was just a sac then had another one at 7 weeks and saw a bean with a heartbeat x
Hiya I had a scan with my last preg at 6w1d and we saw a blob on the screen and the little heartbeat beating away some don't see a heart beat that early tho so try not to worry too much if you don't it might just be a little to early for your little bean xx
Thanks girls! I'm just going to have to try not to panic! X
Just an update ladies that I had my scan and the guy said its only measuring around 5weeks at the most and I have to go back in 10 days to be rescanned! He said he saw a sac and a yolk or something but no fetal pole. I knew something like this would happen! I'm trying to convince myself that I shouldn't worry and it will be ok but of course I have that niggling worry in the back of my head too.

Has anyone experienced this and it was ok?
I was the same with my little girls and the same this time too! Don't worry! 😀

I had this too except just an empty sac nothing else. went back in 10 days when I thought I was 7 and a half weeks and saw a tiny bean measuring 7 weeks with a strong heartbeat they grow at different rates I'm sure everything will be fine it's the longest wait ever tho!
I had an early scan at 6 weeks due to bleeding. No heartbeat was seen but could clearly see the yolk sac etc so just had to return 10days later for a Ernest scan and all was good. I think it just depends on the rate of baby's development Hun. Good luck xXx
Thank you so much girls. This makes me feel a bit better. I think this is going to be the longest 10 days ever!

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