Scan at 3/4 weeks...

i had a scan at and she says i was very early 5 weeks... she said the sac was in the right place and there was a tiny thing that was pulsating which she said could be the heartbeat i thought u couldnt see that till about 6 weeks, she said my baby is the size of a grain of rice about 1-2mm. she also said to go back in two weeks so im going on tue and hoping im put forward a week xx
Hey Fi, I had my (transabdominal) scan last week at 5 weeks dead on and all they could see was fluid. One week later I got my wee blob on the screen but no heartbeat, so they think I'm a few days further behind than I thought. They said the first scan I was probably more around 4+4 than 5 weeks, which is why they couldn't see anything xx

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