Scan after bleeding.

Gizzy Kelly

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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I though I would post in here as this section deals with MC. I posted this in LTTC yesterday and got some helpful answers but I wondered if anyone in here has had irregular bleeding after mc? I had scan yesterday at my local hospital.

As some of you know I had a very early miscarrige on 15th July after a BFP on 12th July. Since then I had a normal AF on 12th August but had a very bad bleed last week. I therfore had a scan yesterday to see what this extra bleed could have been.

I am not sure what to make of the scan really or what they are saying. I feel a bit confused as I did not get any firm answers.

Arrived at 9.00am and had the pleasure of sitting in the maternity ward with a load of pregnant women who were all running out excited with their scan pictures. Torture!!! :wall2: Got called in for an Ultra Sound Scan but she could not see anything. She then decided to do an internal scan which show that my ovaries looked normal, no cysts, and the left ovary contained a 23mm follicle. This makes sense as I am on CD9 and am about to ovulate. However she did seem concerned about the fact I had an area of bleeding low in the uterine cavity. She said that she wanted a Doctor in the Early Pregnancy Unit to see me. So we went back over to the EPU that I went to when I had the early miscarriage. I asked for a copy of the report from the scan and this is what it said,

'Gynae Pelvis and U/S transvaginal scan. LMP 12.08.12. Irregular bleeding. Anteverted uterus measures 31 x 64 x 37 mm and appears normal. Endometrial thickness = 7.4mm at the fundas. Low within the uterine cavity, just superior to the cervix there is a heterogeneous area measuring 21 x 11 x 17 mm which contains a 4.4 mm layer of fluid separation ? Area of bleed? RPOC. Both ovaries apprear normal in echotexture. Left ovary contains a 23mm follicle. Right ovary = 20 x 17 x 11 mm, left ovary = 34 x 26 x 20 mm. No obvious adnexal cysts seen. Small amount of free fluid noted in the Pouch of Douglas. Referral to Gynae after scan.

Spoke to the doctor she was of the view that this 'area of bleed' must be left over 'product' from the early miscarriage and not to worry. I of course am a worrier and asked why nearly 6 weeks later and after AF there is still residue. She did not seem to have an answer to that only that it should pass. I asked when but she did not know. She said either soon or at my next AF. Neil asked her whether we should TTC this month in view of the fact I had a good size follicle and whether this area of bleed would interfere with that but again she said she was not a fertility expert and to ask Barts that question. I asked about whether this needed a D & C but she said no. I guess that was one affirmative answer. I also asked about any infection but she said I would been in pain and have a fever. I guess I don't have any of those.

I feel very frustrated. If there is some blood left there then surely it should have gone by now? Will this interfere with concieving this month? I am beyond fed up with all of this. I don't understand why she did not seem to know what it was or seem more conclusive.

Not sure whether to book a private scan in London and go back to Create Health at Harley Street for some more answers??? My Mum has worried me as when i called her she said that if there is anthing left after 6 weeks it really should be removed.

Would any of you book a private scan or just accept that the bleed should come away naturally and try to worry about it?

Gizzy xxx
Hi Gizzy,

Did your HPT go back to negative? I know Kanga had something similar after her early mc last year, and her HPTs were still faintly positive (indicating retained products of conception (RPOC). She had to have a D&C. Have they taken blood for hcg?

It will be worth talking to Barts to see what they think. What grade of dr did you see at EPU? If it was a junior this decision may not have been the best one, as far as I'm aware retained products is something they should be tracking to check that it does resolve or offer treatment. It doesn't sound ideal to have this hanging on while ttc/having treatment. If you have a decent GP, I'd consider going to talk to them about it if your not getting anywhere.

Good luck, this is a bit of a kicker as i guess you can't move forward into the fertility treatment until this is sorted out?
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Thanks I have done a test (negative) and they checked my hcg levels which were below 5.

The doctor in the EPU was okay but she did not speak the best English and she said because the bleeding was where it was it should come out on its own or at next period. I have sent the report to my private consultant who is calling to hopefully call me today.

I agree that it should not be left though.

Thanks for the response!

Giz x
Gizzy - did you get a call back about it, what did the consultant say?
Thanks JJ Mum, create health called me back yesterday and asked me to go for a scan. The scan was clear so I can move on and start TTC again. I am relieved. Thanks for asking.

Giz xx

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