scans after Mc

thanx again to be blunt christmas was shit spent most of it in a room on my tod didnt wanna ruin it for everyone else with my big trippin face hangin around was out today and got a tatto on my shoulder for the babys says angels never die need to get my 3 stars to go with it one each

im getting frustrated because i dont know how to make myself better after this.....oh and i havent bled since 2 days after my MC bricking it incase im pregnant again

hope you had a lovely christmas mummy2adam and an even better new year xxxx

you cant just make yourself better, it is unfortunatly a time thing, and again everyone is different, some people feel better in days some months some years, you wont ever forget and you will always think about the ones you lost but it is possible to move on but only when you are ready. the tat sounds a nice way to remember them a lovely tribute. dont worry about being preg again, it takes everyone different times to bleed, they told me after d&e that it would be 4-6weeks and i think it was 5 weeks after my initial op, though i bled for quite a while after :( think everyones body reacts differently, just give it time and look to the support of those around you. some people find counsellors are best some find their freinds, some prefer to write it all down in a diary rather than talking about it, i feel now able to discuss my baby and what happened though in total i actually told very few people and i felt like screaming everytime a freind told me i was brave even though i apprichiated the support as i didnt feel it at the time, i now realise bravery is coping in a difficult situation as best you can and even though you think im falling apart im not being brave at all actually you are, because by carrying on with your life (even if its not back to normal) that is being brave. maybe check how your hormone levels are i know for a fact it took about a month for mine to settle. big hugs, im just going to say be strong you can get through this xxxxxx
i think all is ok now hun have had my first period after exactly 26 days after i stopped bledding after the Mc its been a month today well the 4th and iv spent the whole day on my chunkie backside on teh sofa in a huff lol xx
glad you starting to feel better, you have a whole new year to look forward to who knows what 2011 may bring! :) x

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