Same labour as your mums?

I actually asked my midwife this a few weeks back, as my mum had 2 v quick labours with me and my brother (although for various reasons a c-section with my younger sister). Literally from her first "twinges" with my brother, her waters broke and he was born within 45 mins, and with me it was quicker - her waters didn't break and I came out in the sac it was so quick! Luckily she was already in hospital for both as her blood pressure was high and they were monitoring her.

MW said as soon as I get contractions to call delivery suite and explain about my mum, so that they dont tell me to wait an hour or so begore going in, but theres no guarantee I'll take after mum.

I wouldn't mind a nice quick labour (!) but it worries me if it's THAT quick I won't make it to the hospital..!
My mum had four quick labours my first was 63 hours long :-( so I don't labour the same as her hopin for a quicker labour this time!
Well my mum had me and my brother, but with my brother she was in labour for 18 hours!..Ill cry if i end up in labour that long, and with me it was only 2 hours or so as she was induced..And she didn't have any pain relief :|.

Im just hoping mines the latter and i end up with a really quick labour :D
Mine was similar to when my mum had me
We were both admitted for exhaustion and dehydration in early labour as babies had head turned so wouldn't engage. I had to have ventouse as she was getting distressed and mum had forceps for the same thing with me.
Luckily I bonded after a couple of days on scbu where as my mum couldn't pick me up for 6 weeks due to the trauma!

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