Same labour as your mums?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I've heard - can't remember for the life of me where - but a womans labour is usually similar to her mothers. Has anyone experienced this? I was speaking to my mum today - and some wishful thinking here - but my mum's labour with me was like only 4 hours and was only on gas and air... Fingers crossed lol! xxx
My labour was nothing like my Mums, she seemed to enjoy telling me that as well lol her waters went with all three of hers where as I had to be induced and have mine broken xx

Yes my labour was the same as my mum's. After days in labour we both didn't manage to dilate past 3cm and had to have a c section. Good luck for yours xxx
Both of my mum's labours were quick. Mine resulted in a section.
My only manage to dilate to 6cm wit me despite trying for hours. Mine was really fast. Xxx
My mum had 3 complete different labours.
-30 minz pushing with me (the easy one ;) lol),
-17 hours labour with my eldest sister,
-and 24 hours with my youngest brother.

She had to be injected with a hormone drip to get her to dilate with all of us though, which im aware of and hoping i won't need! x
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I've heard this before too but it doesn't even make sense - if you have two babies yourself you're highly unlikely to get two similar labours so why would someones labour be like their mothers? What if their mother had more than one child, with different labours?!

My mam had me 6 weeks early, naturally. She went overdue with my brother. I got induced a week before due date - no similarities for us.
Omg I hope not, mum was in labour for over 40 hours with my sister. If Albert's not here within a reasonable amount of time we will be having words lol xxxxxxxxx
Mine didn't start like my mums but we both ended up having c sections!! I was born at 24 weeks tho. My son came naturally at 39 weeks x
Both my mum and gran had very quick labours i asked midwife and her mum was very quick and so was she but although there could be a link they havnt done enough reserch on it to prove or disprove the theory im keeping my fingers crossed my mum felt nothing with me no twinges nothing until she woke up went to the toilet lost her plug 10 mins later her waters went within 20 mins of waters going she was 10cm dilated from losing plug to having me was less than 2hours. And she was induced a week early with my brother and sister becsuse they were woried she wouldnt make it to hospital in time lol xx
Ahh i wish this was true, my mum was in labour with me from start to finish for 4 hours, my brother was 40 minutes. Both natural, no assistance needed. I was in labour with sam for 28 hours 37minutes, my waters went before my contractions started, i stopped dilating at 6cm and needed the drip and eventually when i got to 10cms needed an epi and forceps to help him out xxx

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Until baby got stuck and I got rushed for a section my labour was pretty much identical to my mums with me. Her labours halved in time so 8 hours with my sister and 4 with me so I'm hoping that's not a trend I'll follow as my next would only be about 2 hours :/
My mom was in slow labour for a week with me, then when she came to push me out I got stuck :s I was 9lb 6oz I hope I have a similar one like when she had my youngest brother (within an hour of her waters breaking she'd delivered him) but only when the occassion arrises we'll find out xxx
My mum had one natural birth and one induced with my brother at 32 weeks due to pre-eclampsia so we have been totally different. I hate a c-sec at 36 weeks with my first and am having a elective c-sec with this one too.
I hope not too! Both me and my youngest sister were breach so she had c-sections. My middle sister was born prem at 29 weeks. Xx
My mum had 4 really fast labours, my second and third where fast but my first was 30+ hours lol
The only thing me and mam had in common is we both went over and had girls first.
Mam was induced at waters broke at term+4.
Mam was 21 hours in labour with me and mine was 10 hours start to finish.
Mam had mo pain relief and I took everything I could get lol,
Really don't think ours were alike at all. Xxx
I hope not as my mum had 2 C Sections, my sister had all four of hers naturally so I am hoping I won;t be the odd one out!!
Aw well looks like I'm not down for a pretty quick labour haha! Damn...! Lol xxx
yeah i hope that aint true, i was 10 days early and mum had to have an emergency c section with me as i had got the cord round my throat and was in distress then she had to stay in hosp with me for 2 weeks due to jaundice n stuff. my brother tore his way out and she had to have lots of stitches. id prefer not to have either of those experiences if possible lol

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