Sam Alexander WITH PICS**


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Hi Guys,

Will write a proper birth story soon,

Got home yesterday pm, sore as to be expected but scar looks not too bad considering it was only done friday night....I call it my tummy smile after reading it in a book.

Full name is Sam Alexander and he's doing great. Feeding brlliantly - the first 10 seconds are truly toe-curlingly painful but I am getting there slowly!

A couple of pics below/ in Announce your new arrival section. The first is when he is seconds old, and the the next photo was the following day. Thankfully the tube feeding stopped on Sunday once he was warm and well fed.

A warning to all August Mums - don't start the August thread until you are sure you are ready lol!!
Catch up soon!!

Lisa xxx

using hand held keyboard in hospital so excuse errorrs andit will be a quick onne.

our baby boy surprisedus by arriving early! waters broke unexpectedly friday night. he wass breech so was born 2 hours later by c section. that'll teach me for starting the due in july thread!

sam was 5lbs 7oz , was tube fed but now breastfeeding well.

will post more when home.


Awwww what a little cutie :) Congratulations :cheer: xx
aw hes lovely- thats a pretty good weight isn't it..considering how early he was born..imagine if he was full term :shock:
congratulations... :hug:
Congratulations, he is lovely :D

Looking forward to hearing the full birth story when your settled.

Alex xxx
awww he made me awww out loud! he is sooo cute, makes me sooo broody, congrats.x
Congratulations! I can't see the pictures for some reason but I am sure he is beautiful, and it's good to hear he is doing so well!
Aww hes a little stunner !!! Cant believe how big he looks !!!!

Congratulations !!!

:cheer: :hug: :dance:
Fantastic pics. Thanks for sharing. x

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