Sad... :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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God knows why, but I just feel so sad and fed up!! It started all of a sudden yesterday and I just put it down to being tired, I was that tired yesterday I fell asleep 3 time during the day, so thought I'd go for a nice bath but I just started crying for no reason what so ever! Went to bed and thought I would feel better today... But don't. :( I feel worse than what I did in Tri 1.... I know its prob hormones but just I was absolutely fine 2 days ago so its just a bit of a shock!!

Sorry for the moan girls, just fed up and I've still got 12 weeks to go!!!
Aww sorry you're feeling like crap hun. TBH I felt the same on Thursday & Friday this week. Felt exhausted, just wanted to cry and there was no real reason for it as I'd been out all day Thursday buying baby stuff which I was chuffed about, but then that night it just smacked me in the gob!

Well yesterday I did sweet FA and gave into my horrible feelings and just chilled. Today I'm feeling much better, but just want the next 9 weeks to fly in.

Hope you feel better soon hun :hugs: If you can, sleep when you want to and chill when you want to, just give into it and then you should start to feel a bit better x
Kelly I def think how you're feelin has a lot to do with the stage you are at in your pregnancy. I too have just under 12 weeks to go and although I haven't been over emotional I have def been feeling more hormonal.

Got up one morning during week and just had a wee cry for no reason. My hubby works all through night on a Thur so Fridays can be a lonely day. I was utterly fed up last night but am fine again today. Being more tired doesn't help but just try to do whatever it takes to make you feel better, whether it be shopping, sleeping or just generally taking it easy x
Kelly I've felt a bit like this too - and have been worrying again for no particular reason!

Cried yesterday, just burst into tears because of interfering MIL; normally would just swear & shout about her but I get really upset and had a big cry! And I've been to the MW today and all is fine but I'm still feeling a bit anxious... Maybe it's because it's getting ever closer and the hormones etc are kicking in!

You feeling better now hun? x
im feeling alot better today thanks jen! god knows what was wrong with me... glad midwife went ok, got my appointment tomorrow and blood test.. i panicked the other day as i thought baby was breech (i know it doesnt really matter at this stage as there is plenty of time to move back to head down) i was getting painful kicks down below.. was uncomfortable! but since yesterday ive had rib kicks so he is back to his fav position again.. and now i can decided what is more uncomfortable? Ribs or foof! :)
Bless you, glad you're feeling a bit better now. I've been super emotional throughout, I know how horrible it can be!
Pretty sure my lil one is breech because I haven't felt any rib kicks at all yet, they're all very low down. It felt like she was kicking my cervix the other day!
Those 12 weeks will fly by :)
I totally know what you mean about kicking the cervix I'm surprised little mans foot wasn't hanging out he was kicking that

I've been pretty fine throughout this pregnancy haven't had any probs really... But they starting to come on now like the bad back and hips I'm hobbling round the house like a old lady :) xx

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