sad scan

Thankyou for your support everyone

I had my last lot of tablets on the sunday and still nothing happened so they sent me home, on monday the baby passed and i was rushed back into the emergancy room with heavy bleeding they left me sitting waiting to see a doctor for 3 hours as we aproached the 3rd hour my husband went up to the window and asked if we could see the nurse as i was sat in a pool of blood and they took me through. Unfourtunatly i had a woman doctor and i say unfourtunatly because she was soooo rough with my little bits. i ended up being admitted over night back to my ward and they where absoulutly lovely the ward manager came in and told me under no circumstances am i coming to work until after the new year which was really nice of her so i have christmas and new year free to get drunk.
So thats my story i have to do a test in two weeks to to check everything is ok
thanks again
Pam x

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