Rubella immunisation

Thanks for the advice moomingirl, I'm sorry to hear you've had a difficult referral process in the past, I hope this one goes smoothly for you. I think you're right about asking questions and keeping on top of things, I'm not usually like that but in this case I will be!! What stage are you at in your referral process? Good luck with everything xx

Peony, I hope you can get your immunisation rescheduled to suit you. I can relate to the unpredictable cycles, before ttc mine were always 28 days, now they vary by +/- 2 days �� I didn't get an ultrasound as part of my tests, just the bloods then referral. I guess it's kdifferent depending on where you live... I hope I get confirmation that I'm on the waiting list soon, that will put my mind at ease a bit! Keep me posted and good luck talking to the doctor tomorrow xx

I was never one to make a fuss but that has totally changed haha!!

Before our first referral I had all the usual hormone bloods (normal) and ultrasound (endometrial polyp confirmed on repeat scan). He had sperm analysis (low motility) then a repeat sperm analysis (also low motility). We were referred to fertility and I was referred separately to gynaecology.

Our experience at the fertility clinic was horrendous. We were basically told our chances were hopeless and the doctor almost made me feel bullied into having IVF and point blank refused any other testing whatsoever. It really was my worst ever experience with a doctor. Gynaecology was much better. The consultant was more than happy for me to have an HSG (normal). I had the polyp removed under general anaesthetic and a hysteroscopy at the same time (normal). As I explained to the gynaecologist, I'm happy to consider IVF but I want to feel like we've exhausted all other options first. Shame the fertility doctor seemed unable to let me finish a sentence as we will never go back to that clinic.

We are now going through the process of being referred again as we're still no further forward after having all of the above. I've had to have all the bloods done again (still normal) and OH has had a further 2 sperm samples which have both been normal. Once we finally get seen at the new clinic (February), I have no expectation other than to be referred for IVF as I really don't think there's anything else they can offer us.

It's been a long process but we're hanging in there!

Wow, you've been through a lot. I'm so sorry you had that awful experience. It's amazing the impact that one person can have, that doctor at the fertility clinic sounds horrendous. I just don't understand how a medical professional can lack compassion and respect for their patient like that, luckily most of them are great! Fingers crossed the new clinic will be a completely different experience for you. Hearing your experience makes me anxious but prepared for what may lie ahead. When you start ttc you never imagine your journey will be such a roller coaster, like you I'm almost accepting that ivf is what will be offered so I'm trying to psychologically prepare myself for that. Thank you for sharing your experience xx

I'm glad you found my post helpful. I didn't want to make it sound scary as I really think we had just come across a very bad apple. Every other professional we've dealt with has been pleasant and professional. I keep telling myself that we'd have to be extremely unlucky to have an experience like that again. I think the important thing is to be prepared. We really weren't whereas now I'm a lot better at predicting what's coming next. The first time I was expecting answers but now my expectation is that there's now no identified reason why we're not pregnant but they're not suddenly going to have some sort of light bulb moment. IVF is all that's left for us and we accept that. Won't stop me reading up on all the gory details beforehand but I'm not making the same mistake twice!! Good luck with your journey. Keep us posted with how you're getting on!!
Thanks for the advice moomingirl, I'm sorry to hear you've had a difficult referral process in the past, I hope this one goes smoothly for you. I think you're right about asking questions and keeping on top of things, I'm not usually like that but in this case I will be!! What stage are you at in your referral process? Good luck with everything xx

Peony, I hope you can get your immunisation rescheduled to suit you. I can relate to the unpredictable cycles, before ttc mine were always 28 days, now they vary by +/- 2 days �� I didn't get an ultrasound as part of my tests, just the bloods then referral. I guess it's kdifferent depending on where you live... I hope I get confirmation that I'm on the waiting list soon, that will put my mind at ease a bit! Keep me posted and good luck talking to the doctor tomorrow xx

I was never one to make a fuss but that has totally changed haha!!

Before our first referral I had all the usual hormone bloods (normal) and ultrasound (endometrial polyp confirmed on repeat scan). He had sperm analysis (low motility) then a repeat sperm analysis (also low motility). We were referred to fertility and I was referred separately to gynaecology.

Our experience at the fertility clinic was horrendous. We were basically told our chances were hopeless and the doctor almost made me feel bullied into having IVF and point blank refused any other testing whatsoever. It really was my worst ever experience with a doctor. Gynaecology was much better. The consultant was more than happy for me to have an HSG (normal). I had the polyp removed under general anaesthetic and a hysteroscopy at the same time (normal). As I explained to the gynaecologist, I'm happy to consider IVF but I want to feel like we've exhausted all other options first. Shame the fertility doctor seemed unable to let me finish a sentence as we will never go back to that clinic.

We are now going through the process of being referred again as we're still no further forward after having all of the above. I've had to have all the bloods done again (still normal) and OH has had a further 2 sperm samples which have both been normal. Once we finally get seen at the new clinic (February), I have no expectation other than to be referred for IVF as I really don't think there's anything else they can offer us.

It's been a long process but we're hanging in there!

Wow, you've been through a lot. I'm so sorry you had that awful experience. It's amazing the impact that one person can have, that doctor at the fertility clinic sounds horrendous. I just don't understand how a medical professional can lack compassion and respect for their patient like that, luckily most of them are great! Fingers crossed the new clinic will be a completely different experience for you. Hearing your experience makes me anxious but prepared for what may lie ahead. When you start ttc you never imagine your journey will be such a roller coaster, like you I'm almost accepting that ivf is what will be offered so I'm trying to psychologically prepare myself for that. Thank you for sharing your experience xx

I'm glad you found my post helpful. I didn't want to make it sound scary as I really think we had just come across a very bad apple. Every other professional we've dealt with has been pleasant and professional. I keep telling myself that we'd have to be extremely unlucky to have an experience like that again. I think the important thing is to be prepared. We really weren't whereas now I'm a lot better at predicting what's coming next. The first time I was expecting answers but now my expectation is that there's now no identified reason why we're not pregnant but they're not suddenly going to have some sort of light bulb moment. IVF is all that's left for us and we accept that. Won't stop me reading up on all the gory details beforehand but I'm not making the same mistake twice!! Good luck with your journey. Keep us posted with how you're getting on!![/QUOTE

Thank you. I will definitely keep you posted and I'd love to hear how you're getting on too. As I cant try this month I'm going to try and enjoy a break from it all, no opk, no obsessing over possible symptoms. Then it will be a fresh start next year. Good luck with everything xx
Thank you, yeah I’m surprisingly ok-ish! I obviously feel quite down and did have a good cry on the phone to my mum earlier but every time I feel sorry for myself I just keep trying to appreciate what I have got in my life! Plus, there are far worse things in life than having to wait 2 months ttc. But still, it is rubbish and I do want to have a tantrum and scream that it’s not fair every time I think about it lol
Yes defo worth speaking to your nurse to check, but as your results were positive in the first place, maybe yours was just a top-up? Whereas I’m assuming I was not immune at all so needed both jabs.

Glad you're feeling OK about it all! It's good that you've got your mum to talk to about it, I've not told many people that we're trying so I don't talk about it much... I just constantly think about it!!! I'm hoping you're right about the immunisation and i don't need a 2nd one, i think I'll contact the fertility clinic in a couple of weeks to make sure they have my referral and everything they need. I hope these 2 months go quickly for you :)

Thank you and I hope this month goes quickly for you! I’m in my fertile week now and it feels so bizarre to not be trying after obsessing over it for the last 14 months! Have you had any reactions to your jab? I’ve got a bruise where it went in but fingers crossed nothing else!

Yeah I’ve only told my parents since we first went to the doctors as I felt like I needed my mum at that point and I was so glad I did. But other than that we haven’t told anyone and I don’t regret that. People are bad enough with inappropriate comments as it is :roll::lol:
Nobody knows at work, but all assume I’m trying I think by the amount of times they say things like ‘when you have a baby...’ and I’ve had 3 different people at work tell me recently that they got pregnant the first month of trying. Part of me wanted to say ‘that’s nice for you, I’ve been trying for 14 months and counting...’ just to see their reactions lol :lol:

I hope your next experience at the fertility clinic is better MoominGirl, but I’m sure it will be. Plus like you say, you’ll be more prepared next time. I’ll keep an eye out on here to see how you get on :)
Thank you, yeah I’m surprisingly ok-ish! I obviously feel quite down and did have a good cry on the phone to my mum earlier but every time I feel sorry for myself I just keep trying to appreciate what I have got in my life! Plus, there are far worse things in life than having to wait 2 months ttc. But still, it is rubbish and I do want to have a tantrum and scream that it’s not fair every time I think about it lol
Yes defo worth speaking to your nurse to check, but as your results were positive in the first place, maybe yours was just a top-up? Whereas I’m assuming I was not immune at all so needed both jabs.

Glad you're feeling OK about it all! It's good that you've got your mum to talk to about it, I've not told many people that we're trying so I don't talk about it much... I just constantly think about it!!! I'm hoping you're right about the immunisation and i don't need a 2nd one, i think I'll contact the fertility clinic in a couple of weeks to make sure they have my referral and everything they need. I hope these 2 months go quickly for you :)

Thank you and I hope this month goes quickly for you! I’m in my fertile week now and it feels so bizarre to not be trying after obsessing over it for the last 14 months! Have you had any reactions to your jab? I’ve got a bruise where it went in but fingers crossed nothing else!

Yeah I’ve only told my parents since we first went to the doctors as I felt like I needed my mum at that point and I was so glad I did. But other than that we haven’t told anyone and I don’t regret that. People are bad enough with inappropriate comments as it is :roll::lol:
Nobody knows at work, but all assume I’m trying I think by the amount of times they say things like ‘when you have a baby...’ and I’ve had 3 different people at work tell me recently that they got pregnant the first month of trying. Part of me wanted to say ‘that’s nice for you, I’ve been trying for 14 months and counting...’ just to see their reactions lol :lol:

I hope your next experience at the fertility clinic is better MoominGirl, but I’m sure it will be. Plus like you say, you’ll be more prepared next time. I’ll keep an eye out on here to see how you get on :)

Yeah I won't be standing for any nonsense this time! It will be the usual. I'll be ready for a fight and the doctor will be delightful haha. Good to be ready for it as we really weren't last time.

I know what you mean about telling people. I've also limited it to very few. Unfortunately I now wish with all my heart that I hadn't told one of them but I can't take it back now. My manager is one of the few that does know and she's been so supportive with appointments and things. Just something to think about for when you get further along in your journey.

I also really want to snap back when people ask me stupid questions about when I'll have a baby like I'm booking a dentist appointment!! So far I've resisted!!
Thank you, yeah I’m surprisingly ok-ish! I obviously feel quite down and did have a good cry on the phone to my mum earlier but every time I feel sorry for myself I just keep trying to appreciate what I have got in my life! Plus, there are far worse things in life than having to wait 2 months ttc. But still, it is rubbish and I do want to have a tantrum and scream that it’s not fair every time I think about it lol
Yes defo worth speaking to your nurse to check, but as your results were positive in the first place, maybe yours was just a top-up? Whereas I’m assuming I was not immune at all so needed both jabs.

Glad you're feeling OK about it all! It's good that you've got your mum to talk to about it, I've not told many people that we're trying so I don't talk about it much... I just constantly think about it!!! I'm hoping you're right about the immunisation and i don't need a 2nd one, i think I'll contact the fertility clinic in a couple of weeks to make sure they have my referral and everything they need. I hope these 2 months go quickly for you :)

Thank you and I hope this month goes quickly for you! I’m in my fertile week now and it feels so bizarre to not be trying after obsessing over it for the last 14 months! Have you had any reactions to your jab? I’ve got a bruise where it went in but fingers crossed nothing else!

Yeah I’ve only told my parents since we first went to the doctors as I felt like I needed my mum at that point and I was so glad I did. But other than that we haven’t told anyone and I don’t regret that. People are bad enough with inappropriate comments as it is :roll::lol:
Nobody knows at work, but all assume I’m trying I think by the amount of times they say things like ‘when you have a baby...’ and I’ve had 3 different people at work tell me recently that they got pregnant the first month of trying. Part of me wanted to say ‘that’s nice for you, I’ve been trying for 14 months and counting...’ just to see their reactions lol :lol:

I hope your next experience at the fertility clinic is better MoominGirl, but I’m sure it will be. Plus like you say, you’ll be more prepared next time. I’ll keep an eye out on here to see how you get on :)

Hi Peony, sorry for the delayed reply! As I've been taking a break from ttc I thought I'd take a break from here too, it's actually been great not tracking and trying to time dtd...I'm not going to lie, it's still been on my mind but I feel so much more relaxed and it's made me think I should give up tracking and try a more relaxed approach.... I'm sure this won't last haha
I didn't have any reaction to the jabs which is good and I had my letter from the fertility clinic on the 30th to say that I'm on the waiting list!!
I know what you mean about the inappropriate comments, I get those at work but luckily not from friends or family. I was really close to telling my mum over Christmas, but decided against it...I don't want her to worry!

I hope you're doing OK and managed to get through your fertile period without feeling too down, let's hope 2018 is our year xxxxxx
Not to worry, I’ve been taking a break from here too and just really enjoyed Christmas without thinking about it too much. However, back to work and reality and has got me checking here and googling lots of things again! :roll:
Fingers crossed the wait won’t be too long for you to go to the fertility clinic and hopefully in the meantime you’ll get your bfp. Have you finished your months hiatus yet?! I got my letter during Xmas and I have my appt later this month which is good!
Feeling a bit rubbish today as I’m not due on until Monday but have had spotting today so I’m really hoping that I won’t come on early as it’ll mess up timings and I’ll have to miss the a 3rd month of ttc! Also, I don’t want to spot as that in itself is worrying me... never had this until last summer and then since then I’ve had spotting before my period most months!
Ah I’m sure your mum wouldn’t mind, it really did help me to tell her, so do it if you feel you want to tell her, I say do it - after all, mums worry about their children no matter what anyway! Xx
Ive been ttc #1 for a year and just had my mmr this week. I was also frustrated that they didnt mention it sooner when not being able to try for a month might have been less depressing but nevermind.

Did you feel ok after your mmr? My arm is still sore a week on and im exhausted.

Best of luck!!
Ive been ttc #1 for a year and just had my mmr this week. I was also frustrated that they didnt mention it sooner when not being able to try for a month might have been less depressing but nevermind.

Did you feel ok after your mmr? My arm is still sore a week on and im exhausted.

Best of luck!!

Yeah I felt fine, other than a sore arm for a couple of days and bruising for over a week. Had my second jab yesterday and I can’t even feel it this time. Although I have been really irritable last night and today, but I’m pretty sure that must be unrelated! But other than that nothing! Really hoping this will make me immune. I did ask if I needed a blood test to make sure but the nurse didn’t know so I’m leaving it to the specialists to tell me if I do. I just want this next month to be over and done with now so I can start trying again. Feels so wrong to not be trying after all this time.

How has your experience with the doctors been so far? Xx
Ive been ttc #1 for a year and just had my mmr this week. I was also frustrated that they didnt mention it sooner when not being able to try for a month might have been less depressing but nevermind.

Did you feel ok after your mmr? My arm is still sore a week on and im exhausted.

Best of luck!!

Yeah I felt fine, other than a sore arm for a couple of days and bruising for over a week. Had my second jab yesterday and I can’t even feel it this time. Although I have been really irritable last night and today, but I’m pretty sure that must be unrelated! But other than that nothing! Really hoping this will make me immune. I did ask if I needed a blood test to make sure but the nurse didn’t know so I’m leaving it to the specialists to tell me if I do. I just want this next month to be over and done with now so I can start trying again. Feels so wrong to not be trying after all this time.

How has your experience with the doctors been so far? Xx

I just had an appointment this week and she wants to refer me to the fertility clinic. It's supposed to be 18 months (its only been 12) but my cycles have been so irregular (last one was 59 days, one before that was 52) for a year and I have some symptoms of PCOS.

Before she refers me, I've to have 2 blood tests, one from CD1-CD5 and one on CD21 and i've to do a vaginal swab. I'm annoyed at that cos I just did a swab and it came back negative but i've moved doctors to her (we moved house) so she wants to have done all the tests herself before she refers me. Husband to do sperm analysis too.

I got my period today (CD34) and was soo pleased. I can't try til 8 Feb cos of MMR and that will be CD14. Hoping I wont have ovulated by then (if I even am ovulating any more, not sure).

Part of me now feels guilty for being referred (have I tried properly, enough, waited long enough) and like I don't want it to be happening but then I tell myself i'd need to be getting my irregular cycles checked out anyway even if we weren't TTC.

Before I got this appointment, she asked to speak to me on the phone and half way through she did say 'I won't refer you until 18 months as the chances are so low of getting pregnant anyway' and I now know she must just mean for anyone (as it really does seem to be a miracle!) but I was like :shock: does she mean me specifically.

Anyway, trying to stay positive! Do you think you will get to try when your MMR wears off? Will the timing be ok?

p.s. I think she said she'd include a rubella test in one of the blood tests to check if the MMR worked.
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I really wouldn’t feel guilty - they wouldn’t refer you if they didn’t think it was right to. I started going for tests after 12months of ttc and plenty of people do that. It does feel like a big step though, but it can only be a good thing to get tests done.

What a weird thing for her to say -maybe she was trying to reassure you in a really strange way that it’s normal for it to take this amount of time!

I’ve now seen the fertility clinic and basically all our tests have come back good and so for now we just have to keep trying. He didn’t ask for me to have a blood test to check my mmr jab worked but I guess that’s cos I’m not being referred for ivf or anything at this stage. I just have to have one more test now to see if my tubes are blocked!! He did say it’s unlikely they are cos I’ve never had an operation or any stds etc. I’ve got to call them on the first day of my next cycle and hope they can fit me in (they like to do it around day 10)as this would be the perfect month to do it. You can’t have sex from the start of your cycle until you’ve had it done so it will coincide well with having to wait for the mmr jab to wear off. If timings work out well with my cycle and I manage to get the test booked in, then hopefully I’ll be able to start trying again at the beginning of my fertile week next month :)

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