Royally confused!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
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So i can imagine you get a lot of these posts on a daily basis so I shall just crack on...

My last period I started on the 17th of December at midnight, which I guess it means I technically started on the 18th?
Anyways I should have started my period on the 14th/15th of this month and I haven't.

My symptoms are:
-sore breasts (although recently they haven't been as sore)
-sore lower back
-still a fair bit of CM
-feeling fairly nauseated
-really really fatigued in the day
-midnight snacks
-awful mood swings (shouting at my bf over nothing and crying because i didn't want twiglets!)
I could go on...

I have taken 3 tests and so far all negative :roll:
One on the 15th, one on the 16th and then one this morning.
(They are cheap tests from ebay i don't know if this has anything to do with it.)

Also my temp has been between 37.0 and 37.6 which is really high for me i'm usuall the bottom end of 36

My first, he didn't show up a week past my period was due, and then my daughter was a bugger too and i only got a faint line.

They're now 6 and 4 so I can't actually remember what it was like, am I pregnant or am I crazy?!!
other ppl who haveposted have had the same symptoms and have had bfp and bfns so i would wait a bit longer and re test x
Thanks, I was thinking test again on Wednesday and then on Friday considering I've got 2 tests left lol
Hi hun,
I'd say wait a little bit longer and re-:test:
Have you had all the same symptoms with your previous pregnancies?
Best of luck x
Hi hun,
I'd say wait a little bit longer and re-:test:
Have you had all the same symptoms with your previous pregnancies?
Best of luck x

Hi Lovisa, yeah I had the tiredness, sore boobs, and mood swings definitely. I don't remember cramping at all with either of them but with my daughter I had spotting so i'm guessing every time is different.

Oh and also another symptom i've had in the past that i've had now is metal mouth but only a few times and it's disgusting!

We've been trying for a fair few months now so i'm desperate to see that BFP even if it is a faint line :(

have sent you a pm, we a day apart on dates and im still having bfn :mad:
Awww we should test at the same times together!!!
yeah we should just wanna know whats going on!! glad im not the only one
Some people do just take a bit longer for a positive result to show up on a urine test, and if it's happened to you before it's not unlikely to again (hCG levels vary massively between different people in early pregnancy, and also the amounts secreted into your urine can vary even if your levels are quite high). Your symptoms definitely sound promising though! I've used lots of the ebay strip tests and never had any problems with them, so I'd just test again in a few days. Fingers crossed for you :dust:
Thanks, that does make me feel a lot better i'm just so impatiet with the testing :roll:... if anyone had cramps early in pregnancy did they feel a lot like period cramps and how long did they last etc?

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