

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Does anyone know anything about getting babies into a routine and what age from?

I never had or needed a routine with Emily I never had anywhere I needed to be and just followed her lead. She started sleeping thru most of the night at about 3mths I think. So I was really lucky.

However, with Emily to take to nursery, swimming lessons, gymnastics etc etc I could be doing with Fraser feeding at roughly the same times each day as atm he seems to need fed when I need to be doing nursery run or something.

Todays example - I thought he'd end up needing fed during Em's gymnastics class (they are pre school so parents are meant to help them haha). Anyway I tried to wake him up for a feed before we went - no joy. I changed his bum, wiped his face with COLD water, blew in has face and tapped his feet. Nope. He stayed very much asleep!! So off we went, with Fraser still sleeping being put in car seat, taken out of car seat at class then I bunged him in the moby wrap, did class and luckily he didn't wake up for a feed until we got home (later than I expected) so it worked out ok.

Just as I think he is in a pattern - he changes it!!!

Anyone use a routine? How old? Any info/tips for getting out the door etc much appreciated!!
Charley was in the same bedtime routine from the day I had him but daytime wise he did his own routine from a couple of days and it's the same everyday since. Babies seem to do their own routine themselves and however much you try to change it, it always goes back to there's! Sorry I can't be much help but Charley's stuck on every 3 hours even though I wanna get him to every 4 hour feeds x.
It's impossible to get Lizzie into a routine as she seems to have 'growth spurt days' every 5 days! So she'll be great, feeding pretty much dead on every 3 hours, then we'll have a few days where she wants to feed every hour.
I know what you mean about trying to wake LO too - if Lizzie is in a deep sleep there is no waking her up at all! She really resists being fed when she isn't ready too.

I think the only way I've got through it is just accepting that it's the way she is, I know it must be harder with another child but people will accept that you've gotta feed your baby if he's hungry, no matter where you are! Are you breastfeeding? I guess it's a bit harder if you're bottle feeding and need to make formula/warm bottle etc.

When Lizzie got to about 5-6 weeks she started taking a dummy and that gave me an 'emergency' 10 minutes to find somewhere to feed before she got really angry about not being fed lol :)
I've struggled with routine as well, now he is partially weaned it's easier because we have set times for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He still bf's on demand though so what happens in between meals varies each day. Bedtime is always the same too though. Sorry not much help!
I guess I''ll just have to roll with the punches then.

Just when I think I have him sussed he changes again - I think its growth spurts, he feeds more often for a day - then all the times are different again. He is averaging around every three hours.

becky - he is FF but I use ready made for out which he drinks at room temp so its no harder than BF - just that nursery pick up/drop takes about 20mins (same on foot or in the car). Luckily movement settles him and I haven't had him screaming all the way yet (touch wood!!).

I think I'm just anticipating probs before they happen tbh - I cope with chaos/stress by being very organised & Fraser just doesn't want me organising him lol!!
at night time we gave josh a routine as much as possible and from about 2 weeks old. which has worked really well for us now, as he knows that its bedtime and although hes almost 5 months hes started sleeping through 12 hours at night ( well kinda we give him a quick dream feed at 11 to see him through) and he knows when its bedtime. but apart from that he does relatively speaking what he wants during the day. he is relatively regular though and we know now that he will last 5 hours between a feed. But at first we literally just went with what he wanted....

are you using cartons???
I only use cartons for if I'm out and about as it's much easier. Unless I think he'll need feeding pretty soon after we go out then I'll make up a bottle and take it. Don't use them all the time - too pricey!!
can you not get little pots with the right amount of formula, put the amount of water in the bottle you need and then add them together when needed??? might make it cheaper on you!?
I had thought about it but not done it yet! Can you buy pots for this - would they need sterilized?
I had thought about it but not done it yet! Can you buy pots for this - would they need sterilized?

I got a pot with 3 compartments in off eBay but think avent or someone does them aswell. Tommee yippee do individual storage pots 4 formula. I'd wanna sterilise it regularly but don't think it'd need to b done daily.

I don't have much of a routine for kieron-he just has to fit around every1 else. We always have a special bedtime feed were I lay on the bed to feed him-it's the only time I lat to feed him then he gets swaddled b4 layin in his crib,I always keep the lights low at night time and he usually goes straight back to sleep after a feed. During the day he just feeds whenever lol xx

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