Riley has sicked up brown :(

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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riley has brought up some brown stuff, which i can only assume is either dried blood or stomach lining :cry:

ive rang the out of hours doc, who said to keep an eye on him, any more then to ring back. that happens and im going to a&e

temp is 36.6

im worried sick now. been told to look out for any change i.e going limp ect.

he was sleepy yesterday evening, where as he is usualy very whingy.

im so worried it may be the gripe water or something thats done this. like the thrush treatment. Nystatin and dactorin.

he didnt have anything yesterday evening. and im not going to give im anything now.

been told to let him have 1oz of water before his next feed.

im so worried :cry:

Oh no hun how scary, i hope hes okay:( :hug: Just keep an eye out for nething out of the ordinary and if you feel worried dont hesitate to bring him in
he brought up a small amount earlier, then i just fed him now, and half way through, when i was winding him, he brought up a bigger amount, more watered down version with milk.

i htink im going to take himto A&E if he keeps doing it.

poor thing :cry:
Oh no! Poor mite :( I'd definately get him checked over to make sure all is well.
Hope he gets better soon :)
hes still the same, hes brought up some more, which looks like its more mixed with milk, rather than in the night, when his tummy was more empty.

hes quite whingey today, which has been very tiring, as i havent had much sleep.

its one thing after another isnt it. Adams (oh) gran passed away at 5am this morning.

my moms coming over about 1.30 to take a look at how he is. i rang HV and she said to get him checked at the docs, but my doctor is on holiday, and the others arent very good, so i will proberly take him to the hospital later on today.
Very BIG hugs keslo :hug: :hug: :hug:
I would just take him to A&E, if it's nothing, then you can move on without feeling so worried, and it'll be better all round :hug:
Really hope you're both well right now, and hope it's all just something and nothing, it's so scary when your LO doesn't seem right I know :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks hun i really am quite worried about him.

my moms just rang, shes just going to get ready and she is coming over.

i think i am going to take him to A&E. as it just isnt normal. better to be safe than sorry.

im really tired and got a head ache from him crying. so im glad there coming, if only to hold him when he is crying.
oh sweetie i hope he is better soon
i know wot u mean sometimes u just need 2 mins out iv been feeling a bit like that today with B :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to u both
awww i hope he is ok, my second son used to have the same thing when he was younger, he had viral infections quite a bit and had a few hospital stays because of it.
BIG hugs keslo, really hope you and Riley are home and well and happy, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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