

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Thought I would fill you in! Monday about 3pm had a massive gush off blood, so called an ambulance who took me straight to delivery ward, they was getting ready to do a c-section, giving me steriod injections and getting a blood transfusion ready but had to wait on the consultant to give me a scan, baby was happy as larry through all this (loved the attention me thinks lol!) And he cudnt see nothing majour on the scan so decided to leave me and send me to the ward, still here now spotting brown blood this morning so fingers crossed in out tomorrow! I have a grade 2 placenta pareiva btw!!
oh no you was saying you didnt feel right too do you have to stay in now till you have him? hopefully it will all correct itself
Hey, what is 'grade 2 placenta pareiva' excuse the ignorance?? Glad baby is okay though xx
Good news that baby is ok hun. Fingers crossed they'll let you home soon. xxx
Hey hun,

sorry you're in hospital! Hope you get home soon!

sorry your in hospital but glad baby seems to be liking being a star lol.
Aww hun I do feel for you!! Glad you and the baby are OK tho xxx
My boyfriend and daughter just left so just burst into tears just want to go home! And google the placenta parevia thingy got a drip thing in me hand so dnt want to type to much :(
placenta previa is where the placenta attaches itself low down grad 2 i think is classed as minor as it only touches the cervix and doesnt cover it x
My boyfriend and daughter just left so just burst into tears just want to go home! :(

Big hugs hun. I was whee you are last week it's and horrible being stuck in there and having to watch them come and go not knowing what to do themselves. Keep your chin up hun. It's won't be forever x
Worse as there's babies every where :( question for who ever knows, as long as I have a plastic tounge bar in can I leave it in if I need a c-section?? Just not the metal one??? Xx
huge :hugs:

I don't know for sure but I'm assuming you'd get to leave it in. I had an op under general anaesthetic, and I couldn't get metal tongue stud out. I have a microdermal in my temple, only a qualified piercer can remove it so I would need to leave it in.

yes you can leave it in although they will ask you to take it out it is very safe.
I got told so long as its plastic then its okay a peiercer told me that its somthing about it electrocuting you if they need to resusiate you or somthing :/
ah hun. hope you can come out soon and be back home with your family. big hugs. xxx
you will be fine just keep your mouth closed and dont talk lol
Hope everything is ok...but with low placenta it doesn't really matter if baby is happy the problem is if you lose the placenta then the baby has to come out whether it wants to or not!! Hopefully now bleeding has stopped it means you are not losing your placenta, but if you get anymore bleeding you'll need to be rushed straight back in. I had this but thankfully mine eventually settled, but was in and out of hospital quite a bit and faced emergency c section....but everything fine now so hope it will be for you :) xx

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