Reusable Nappies info

Its new but its ok i just got a reply from them and they have said they will swap it for me if i send it back, so i still gotta wait a bit longer b4 i can try them on him :evil:

but am gonna put wrap on him anyway over his pampers just to see how it looks!!

Do you know i am counting the days now til OH gets paid 8 days now!!!!
Do you know i am counting the days now til OH gets paid 8 days now!!!!

Aw bless. I was the same after I ordered my first load of nappies from Babykind, couldn't wait for them to come through!

Your tots will take a good few washes to become fully absorbent (just to let you know).
:cheer: Just got my first nappy and wrap!!!! Even though have sent the PINK napy back :rotfl:

They are so gorgeous, why oh why didn't i find this thread b4????? :doh:

He has got the wrap on now, and looks so cute though why they calle it wriggle worm is beyond me, 'cos its covered in snails
No idea why it's called that either - glad that you're becoming a fellow clothie! :cheer:
So Richard and i have talked it over and cloth nappies just make more sense for us.

I have a question though. Im pretty sure ive decided which ones i want to try out first but its the choice of fastenings in not sure about, what do you recommend nippa or velcro?
Id go for velcro nappies and popper wraps although i have some velcro wraps too as kina and beanie have said that the velcro wraps are easily for little un to lie there and undo. I only have 1 nappy that is nipper and that because i didnt see that they did an aplix version right under it!!

Oh and welcome to this addiction!!

cas xx
I've only used velcro so can only recommend those, but they are fab.

Like Cassi said go for wraps with poppers so little hands can't undo them....I went into Ella this morning after her nap and she'd undone one side of her wrap and nappy. Luckily for me she hadn't undone them both as there was a turbo turd inside! :lol:
Kina said:
. Luckily for me she hadn't undone them both as there was a turbo turd inside! :lol:

I put jack his wrap on to see how it looked and he was doing his comando crawl across the room and it came undone, because it had hooked to the carpet :lol:

Just another thing to look out for!!
I have 2 wraps from andees, i have the doggy one with the tail and ears, and the duck one, the beak actually sqeaks too!

Just ordered the denim and red wrap from weenotions and the "oh so bright" weeny wonder.

Also ordered rainbow stripe fleece wrap from tots bots
and 2 wacky wraps, the yellow with tractor, and the lime with puppy.

Think i will order the white with sun next month.

And i am waiting for a reply from michaela from minki but i dont think she is the best when it comes to comms tbh!! :wall: Because i want to order some minki wraps.

The happy heinys are great i think i will have a look at some of them now though.

Also ordered a load of wipes and a few liners from the happy clappynappy sale but there wasnt much left .. Kina...beanie.... :think: lol!!

Going to order some things from PHP so will order my nappy bucket, net, and nappy soak on there.

I also want to order the sheep on blue fleece nappy bag from minki soon as she gets back to me !! :D

ps: in responce to your question about all in ones in the other thread mel, i wouldnt bother tbh as the main lot of all in ones are kushies and tbh i dont like the 'swim nappy' look they have to them and you are then stuck with them designs and they are quite limited to what you get in a pack of 5, and you cant mix and match different wraps with different nappies etc.

I think your best bet is shaped nappies with velcro, tots bots are good and so are little lambs, i have little lambs and someone else just ordered a load too, they are just like tots bots. I also have a few rainbow bots and they are nice and soft too but the sizing, shape etc is just like the lambs. And im mixing and matching on wraps, i have tots bots, minki, weenotions, wacky wraps, starbunz and a few others.

You also asked about the nappys you stuff, these are pocket nappies, weenotions do nice ones and so does minki, these are good for sleep time because you can stuff them as much as you want with terry sqaures, boosters, also i have a ellas house hemp instert for my minki wrap they are quite pricey but really nice and soft and thick. Also with pocket nappies you dont need a wrap to go over them.
Do be prepared to spend ALOT of money though, lol!!
cassie x
(stands up) "My name is bagpuss and I am a clothaholic"(sits down)

I can't believe I have never seen this thread before - thanks Beanie and Kina for mentioning it!! :cheer: :cheer:
I love reusables,Finn loves them too!!No nappy rash whatsoever!!I have used them since Finn was a newborn,and wouldn't use anything else.I love washing them and seeing them all fresh on the line,then packing them away,and the smell and softness of them next to his skin(well,the smell when first put on,not when he has done a poo!!!)
I've got to take a look at those wee notion ones,they look great.....I also need to invest in some pocket nappies too - any suggestions??
Yay, hi Donna glad to see you made it :D

Wee Notions pocket nappies are great as well as their normal ones :D I am a Wee Notionsaholic :lol:
No nasty chemicals next to their skin :D I used disposables for 4 months and hate how 'crunchy' they feel now!
They make baby look cuter if you buy the funky wraps :D

they cant burst like disposables can, and then its not easy to clean up hundreds of tiny absorbant balls..

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