result of my scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Well, they found a sac but only mesured at 5 weeks, but they couldnt tell if there was a baby or not. So ive had to have a blood test and have another wednesday,then fone thursday for the results. It is possible for me to be 5 weeks because of my irregular cycle. however im still bleeding but i have no pain. so im limbo at the moment :(
I don't have a clue babe I'm sorry :hug:

And I am SO sorry that you have to wait so bloody long to find out... Thinking of you hun xx
I am sorry not to be any help either, but have my fingers crossed for you that all is ok :pray:

take care
mibiuk :hug:
Fingers crossed for you! It's still possible there is a baby with a HB there - just perhaps too early to detect on the scan yet. :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed everything goes ok on Thursday for you. I'll be thinking of you :hug:
Try not to worry hun, stupid thing to say in these circumstances I know.

But if you have irregular periods that could explain it but also the speed at which they implant varies hugely.

I was a week out from my LMP when I had an early scan with my first.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
The only thing i can say is that i'm :pray: that everything is ok for you. I had a scan at seven weeks and was told that it was small for the dates but she didnt say how small compared in weeks and i was left frightened. Less than a week later i had a large bleed with no pain and thought i had mc but on the scan my little shrimp was still clinging on in there and was twice the size and was told i was the right size for my dates! (So alot can happen in a few days)
Life & nature is a funny thing, and things can sometimes surprise us and i hope that everything works out ok for you.

As well as the blood test are they going to do another scan? Have you had any pain with the bleeding?
I have my fingers crossed for you that everything is ok :pray: :pray:
If you are 5 weeks then you would not be able to see much on a scan.
I hope your dates where just out a bit and baby is fine.
Thinking of you and good luck with the results
Lol Sarah :hug:
no i havnt had any pain just usual crampin nothin major, i only seem to bleed more after my internals, its now stopped agen. Ive spoke to my friend and she went thru exactly the same as me and is now 12 weeks preg. So ive still got hope. Thanx for all your messages girls :hug:
I'm sorry you have to wait even longer to find out :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have my fingers crossed for you :pray: :pray: :pray:
You poor love how very annoying!!

Please take care and keep us informed i so hope it all works ou for you i know how it feelts to be limbo and just want an answer...

jemz24 said:
Well, they found a sac but only mesured at 5 weeks, but they couldnt tell if there was a baby or not. So ive had to have a blood test and have another wednesday,then fone thursday for the results. It is possible for me to be 5 weeks because of my irregular cycle. however im still bleeding but i have no pain. so im limbo at the moment :(

Only just read this. It is very possible that you are only 5 weeks, due to your irregular periods. With my first I was put back 3 weeks, because they took my estimated delivery date from my lmp, when in fact i hadn't ov'd until almost a month after that, if i'd have had a period, it would have been a 6 week menstrual cycle if you understand? I also had a very light period at about this time, I really would try not to worry to much. Also alot of women have bleeding whilst pregnant, its a really good sign that you do not have any pain or cramps. Good luck hun xx

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