worrying situation - re-scan update pg 3 :-(

I hope everything is ok for you tomorrow hun, all the best :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :hug: Really hope everything goes ok :hug: :hug:
All the best for 2moz hun, i hope everythings ok :hug: :hug:
i will be thinking of you tomorrow, what time is you scan?
babydust said:
i will be thinking of you tomorrow, what time is you scan?

The appointment is at 11:30 but the EPU gets very busy so could be a while later. I'll try and post tomorrow evening, luckily my husband managed to get the day off so can come with me.

I thought I was handling it well but it's really hitting me hard tonight especially as tomorrow should be 12 weeks and we were going to have our 12 week scan, it was booked for the same time as the EPU appointment is now so we had to cancel it. I keep thinking if all had gone well we could have started announcing it to everyone but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Thank you all so much for your support, it really, really helps. :hug:
mrs_metal said:
The appointment is at 11:30 but the EPU gets very busy so could be a while later. I'll try and post tomorrow evening, luckily my husband managed to get the day off so can come with me.

I thought I was handling it well but it's really hitting me hard tonight, thank you all for your support, it really helps.

I'm really pleased that your DH can be with you. You both need each other when you feel like this :(

I can't imagine what you're going through right now but I do want to offer my support and I'll most definitely be thinking of you tomorrow...

...You've always got us girls for support :hug:

Chin up though - I'm so pleased you don't have to wait any longer :angel:

Unfortunately scan didn't go well, it showed that I had lost the baby, I kind of expected that but it was awful seeing nothing on the screen. :cry:

The people in the EPU were really kind, luckily I'd had a complete miscarriage so no further treatment was needed and the lady I saw (think she was a midwife) was so kind and understanding (the kindness almost made me want to cry more!) told us we could start trying again as soon as we feel up to it and not to worry about waiting for a period first and as soon as I get a positive pregnancy test to call her and she'll arrange a reassurance scan for me.

She even suggested I join a forum as there's often a lot of support and understanding on pregnancy forums, and she was so right, your kind messages and listening (well reading really) to me going on have really helped, thank you.
Poor you Mrs Metal, look after yourself over the next few days! :cry:
Oh honey
i am so very sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you
I know how much it hurts love
You will never forget your little bean and that love will be with you forever
But take on board what the midwife said it's not over
when your ready do try agian, you will be a mummy one day.
Read on the loss section the sticky at the top
It may it give you some solance

Take each day as it comes
A big hug for your OH as well
PM me if you need to talk love
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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