Referred for growth scan, 90th centile


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
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Hi everyone.

Im exactly 32 weeks pregnant with our first baby.

Today i had my midwife appointment and my fundal height was measured at 33. This has caused me to jump from the 50th centile to the 90th centile!

At the appointment prior to this at 28 weeks i measured 27.

My growth scan is on friday and I'm really anxious about it. Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences? She wrote "?polyhydramnios or due to fetal position" on my notes. Google is a horrible place!
The midwifes notes mean she is wondering whether the extra growth is because baby has had a growth spurt or if it's because you've got too much amniotic fluid. Your scan will be able to tell which one, but until then don't stress about it because it's probably fine! Good luck x
I agree. Try not to stress about it although that's easier said than done. I got referred for a scan at 28 weeks as the midwife decided I was measuring small. When I eventually got the scan (that's another story!) everything was exactly as it should be. I'm not convinced the midwife measured me properly as I've always measured bang on by everyone else. Also remember that using a tape measure is a pretty crude measurement and doesn't account for anything like your size before pregnancy etc. I hope everything is ok on Friday.
I've always been told that measuring a week either side of your actual weeks is fine, she's probably just being extra cautious! Good luck - at least you get to see baby again :)
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A colleague of mine had too much amniotic fluid (fairly sure that's polyhydraminos) and while she had a pretty rough pregnancy and felt sick quite a bit, baby was absolutely fine. But it's probably just the way baby was positioned or bad measuring.
Thanks everyone. Feeling a lot more calm about it today. I think some healthboards have lower thresholds for getting a growth scan, my friend said she was allowed up to 3 weeks on either side - seems odd im being referred for 1 week ahead!
At my 40 week appointment the midwife measured me significantly smaller than what I had been. We all saw the baby move as I laid down to be measured and she even said if she’d measured me when I first walked in I likely would have measured perfectly fine. Despite this and the fact she was certain it was due to positioning she said the protocol was to send me for a growth scan. Seems like some areas just have stricter protocols to follow. The growth scan was all good and estimated my little man to be 8lb 13oz, he was born 9 days later weighing 7lb 12oz so I guess any kind of measuring tool is not completely accurate. But it’s good that they are checking you out, a real concern of mine was level of amniotic fluid and they can see that clearly on the scan. I hope it goes well xx
It may well have been a positional thing, if your bladder was slightly fuller than last time etc.
Referrals are always made to be on the safe side and in any case there not likely to be worried, just to gain more information x
There's clearly a lot of variation between areas for when to refer though. It was 2cm either way for me. I'm surprised it varies so much.
Hi all. Growth scan was absolutely fine, measuring bang on 50th centile so they said my last fundal measurement was "completely wrong". The appointment was really rushed and i felt like they couldn't get me out the door quick enough haha! Thanks for all support xxx
Glad to hear it was all ok. They always seem to be fine in the majority of cases but just being referred for one can cause so much anxiety. My appointment was pretty rushed too. The basically just got the measurements and that was it!! I was definitely measured wrongly by the midwife too.
These things cause so much worry! I was told 2weeks either side is normal, which is just as well as I was measuring 30 at 28 weeks!

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