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Referral to RMC and management questions

Hi Lisey, so sorry about your mc.

My EPU referred me straight in for testing and that went ahead about 6 weeks after the miscarriage. Went back 8 weeks later for results. We didn't ttc for that time as I wanted to make sure if there was something we could do differently, we did it right. Its too much to keep going through mc.

My experience of erpc was good too, and I would always opt for this. However, I have gone back to work too soon after both and it was tough. I would suggest taking a week off work afterwards to recover.
Apologies for multiple posts today. I have to go for a scan next week to confirm a missed miscarriage and I am trying to decide in advance what approach to take. I have heard people bleed for weeks with medical management so not sure I want to take that route. My last two have happened naturally.
With medical management are you put to sleep during procedure and is it an erpc they do or d&c? I am concerned about d&c as I know it can cause scar tissue to form later on. Any advice appreciated x


I had medical management last month. Too scared to have d&c as I don't like needles.

I was told to come to hosp for the tablets, and was given the option of swallowing them or having them inserted vaginally. Went with vaginally as it works faster. What they didn't tell me was it actually brings on labour. It was nothing like my previous miscarriages. I was having contractions every 2 minutes. They lasted for 40 seconds and it went on for 6 hours that I can remember. I was a bit naughty and took a double dose of naproxen so I could sleep. I woke up fine in the morning though, and passed the sac whole. Then bled like a normal period for a week.

If I knew what it was going to be like, I would have agreed to the d&c.

Take care, hope that hasn't freaked you out.

It hasnt freaked me out, thanks for telling me your experience. Its so sad that we have to go throught this :( x

Omg Lisey just seen this thread, I'm so sorry, gutted for you. How far along were you? Is it confirmed no baby as doc told me no baby then it turned out it had just been too early to see anything at first scan.

I had a D&C and can really recommend it. You're put to sleep and when I woke up although a little crampy like a period after it apart from that I was fine. Bled a little that day but nothing major and was back to work the next day. Don't get me wrong I was pretty scared beforehand but so glad I went down that route as at least I know it's all gone and I could move on quickly and start trying again. This prob sounds really heartless but I had just been so upset and feeling so ill before procedure that it was good to feel normal again so quickly.

Good luck whatever you decide, thinking about you xxx

Thanks hun, I was 7 weeks on friday when I had the scan. The sac has grown but there was nothing there in sac. She said that they can't confirm it yet ad the sac needs to be bigger (and still empty) in order to say for sure but she said it doesnt look good. I am very sure of my dates so I know the outcome already x

Hi Lisey,
Don't rush back to work hun, take sometime to get your head together over this. This is your third and after all the time it took you to fall pregnant this will hit you hard somehow, even if you feel a little numb now.
If it doesnt then you are far stronger person than me, but I just dont think that you should underestimate, emotionally what you have been through, going through and have had a really rough time of.

The hospital will sign you off for two weeks no problem, and your firm will have to pay you, they dont have to know the reasons, the hospital can simply say that you need to under go an operation which is true, you can then choose what you tell your firm be it, to with ladies things, period, endo - or nothing at ll - its your call.

Let yourself heal a bit honey, be kind to yourself, give yourself sometime.

Tell your OH that surgically it is a really simple and quick op, you will be out in an hour and home a cple of hours after, it really is very quick and easy, its emotionally the real damage is done (well if you a sensitive soul likeme , which i think you are.)

Thinking of you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hiya, yes you are so right, I have felt a bit numb-I think as a coping mechanism I have almost been removed from it all. It has hit me a bit yesterday and today, had some tears and very sad and scared moments. I am terrified ofmit happening again and of it taking so long again. If the hospital will sign me off then thats easier as its not me just choosing to have time off. My work are not the most understanding. I will tell my OH, I told him today that I am not willing to have medical management and he said as long as surgery won't affect fertility etc. So many people have these ops and go on to have babies so I know the risk is low x

Hi Lisey, so sorry about your mc.

My EPU referred me straight in for testing and that went ahead about 6 weeks after the miscarriage. Went back 8 weeks later for results. We didn't ttc for that time as I wanted to make sure if there was something we could do differently, we did it right. Its too much to keep going through mc.

My experience of erpc was good too, and I would always opt for this. However, I have gone back to work too soon after both and it was tough. I would suggest taking a week off work afterwards to recover.

Hiya, I will definately ask them to refer me for tests as will be alot quicker than going through my gp. I will take some time, I think I am so fixated on just getting this horrible time over with that I haven't absorbed what is actually happening. Prob need some time to process it all x
Just ask the hospital for a note before you leave , this is what i have done both times, I said can you sign me off please i dont feel ready to go back to work, each time they said of course, do you want your work to know the reason? They said take two weeks, if you need more just go to see your gp.

Dont give up hun, if anything take Fliss as inspiration, she is on her 5th time lucky, seek help and advice from rmc clinic and you will get there, im just so sorry this journey has been so uneasy xxxxxx
Physically I was absolutely fine
However emergencies in theatre meant I was late going in and couldn't go home til next day. Doctor was late doing his rounds too so id say to take 2 days
I was pain free, totally fine
It all depends if you recover from anaesthetic well x
I had medical management as my body didn't let the pregnancy go. I was 9 weeks pregnant but baby had stopped at 6 weeks.
I was re scanned to make sure no mistakes were made then given the first set of tablets to stop the progesterone. 2 days later I went back to hospital the get more tablets inserted vaginally I was in there 1hr then sent home to pass everything there. After 3 hrs I passed the sac with baby. I bled for another week. Unfortunately I have now got retained products so I have been given lots more tablets to help pass the last few bits. I am still signed off work. Will of been off 7 weeks in total now.

Michelle x
michelle be wary for the blood smelling. mine did the 'retained products' started decaying. D&C became essential
it was like a dead animal :(
Oh god Lisey I am so sorry to hear this! :( Absolutely gutted for you :hugs: xxx
I had ERPC as baby was 11wks so medical management wasn't advised for me but I have to say the procedure was fast and physical recovery really quick. I was off work for less than 2 wks. The emotional bit was the hardest. I couldnt handle all the waiting for it to be over. Hope you can get referred very soon and get some answers xxx
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Just ask the hospital for a note before you leave , this is what i have done both times, I said can you sign me off please i dont feel ready to go back to work, each time they said of course, do you want your work to know the reason? They said take two weeks, if you need more just go to see your gp.

Dont give up hun, if anything take Fliss as inspiration, she is on her 5th time lucky, seek help and advice from rmc clinic and you will get there, im just so sorry this journey has been so uneasy xxxxxx

I will ask for a bit of time off. I definately wont have the real reason written on sick note though.
It has been an emotionally exhausting journey so far, I just hope we get our baby one day x

Physically I was absolutely fine
However emergencies in theatre meant I was late going in and couldn't go home til next day. Doctor was late doing his rounds too so id say to take 2 days
I was pain free, totally fine
It all depends if you recover from anaesthetic well x

Thanks, I hope theywould see me quickly as I hate hospitals and especially staying there. Oh well, guess got to do as they say x

I had medical management as my body didn't let the pregnancy go. I was 9 weeks pregnant but baby had stopped at 6 weeks.
I was re scanned to make sure no mistakes were made then given the first set of tablets to stop the progesterone. 2 days later I went back to hospital the get more tablets inserted vaginally I was in there 1hr then sent home to pass everything there. After 3 hrs I passed the sac with baby. I bled for another week. Unfortunately I have now got retained products so I have been given lots more tablets to help pass the last few bits. I am still signed off work. Will of been off 7 weeks in total now.

Michelle x

Oh gosh, you have been through such a horrible time of it :( hope you're doing ok xx

I had ERPC as baby was 11wks so medical management wasn't advised for me but I have to say the procedure was fast and physical recovery really quick. I was off work for less than 2 wks. The emotional bit was the hardest. I couldnt handle all the waiting for it to be over. Hope you can get referred very soon and get some answers xxx

This is what I can't bare...the waiting, I just want it to be over with, I have symtoms still and its a constant reminder :( xx
Also ladies, what is the typical time for waiting for procedure o be done. My scan is friday so will it be some time the following week? Or longer? I dont think I can cope emotionally with a longer wait than that x
When are u back at the hospital hun? Make sure u ask about referral otherwise you'll have to wait even longer (and they told me it would take 4 months for the results) xxx
Could you call and ask them to bring your appointment on friday forward? They booked me an app a week after my mmc but i think it was just so i had time to think but if you know what you want they might see u sooner? The waiting is the worst :( have u had any blood at all yet?

I would have thought if you have your appointment friday that they would book you in for the following week. As i say, i would just call and stress to them how difficult it is and if they could bring your appointment forward it would make it easier xxx
I will definately ask as I am sure we will see one of the doctors who will explain everything to us. I have to wait the week as they need to wait for the sac to get to a certain size before they can diagnose it 100%. I havent had any bleeding yet. If I hadnt been for the scan I would be so excited as this is the longest I have gone in a pregnancy without bleeding (apart from with son) x
Also ladies, what is the typical time for waiting for procedure o be done. My scan is friday so will it be some time the following week? Or longer? I dont think I can cope emotionally with a longer wait than that x

Have they diagnosed blighted ovum? That's what I had. even though they could see the sac was empty, it kept growing so I kept going in thinking I would have the procedure done. Then they would scan again, see growth and get me to come back a week later. This went on till I was almost 11 weeks, and started at 6 weeks.

Hope they don't do that to you :-( I ended up going for a private scan to get a second opinion.
They havent said blighted ovum yet but from my reading it does sound like it although there was a little yolk sac on first scan and I am not sure if blighted ovum is when there is nothing at all? They had better not do that to me, this is agonising enough :( x
I read that a blighted ovum is a chemical, where the egg can't implant? Might be wrong xxx
They havent said blighted ovum yet but from my reading it does sound like it although there was a little yolk sac on first scan and I am not sure if blighted ovum is when there is nothing at all? They had better not do that to me, this is agonising enough :( x

I know. I'm so sorry you are having to go through it :-(.

I originally went for scan for suspected ectopic, but found sac in correct place and also pointed out Little embryo growing. ( not sure of my terminology).Had to go back the next week to check there wasn't also an egg in the tube. There wasn't, but they noticed the embryo had gone but sac doubled in size. And so my weekly trips in begun. I also have a tilted uterus, so they said it could be hiding, or I wasn't as far along as I thought.
Also ladies, what is the typical time for waiting for procedure o be done. My scan is friday so will it be some time the following week? Or longer? I dont think I can cope emotionally with a longer wait than that x

For me , my local hospital have alwyas done it asap and because of the 'sensitive' nature of the op (their words) it is always the very first op of the day unless of any medical emergencies that will go in front.

Ist one I found out on a Monday, ERPC was 7am Tuesday morning, 2nd one I had it confirmed on the Friday and it was 7am Monday morning,
Well 7am I had to be there, they prep you up, BP, gown, sign forms , introduce dr, blah blah.
1st one went for op at 9am, 2nd one was one emergency went up about 10am.

But i know this is not the case for all hospitals, ii hope it is with you. As yes once ERPC is complete then you can start to move on and start the healing process rather than still being stuck in it, and waiting.

P.s one thing i remember reading on here, i think it was fliss who posted that she got told from RMC. Is that the only women who never get their babies, is the ones that give up.
Stay as strong as you can hun, but be very gentle and kind to yourself. Take as long off work as you feel you need.
For me personally two weeks was the right amount, just see how u feel and take every day as it comes .
Much love xxx
Could you call and ask them to bring your appointment on friday forward? They booked me an app a week after my mmc but i think it was just so i had time to think but if you know what you want they might see u sooner? The waiting is the worst :( have u had any blood at all yet?

I would have thought if you have your appointment friday that they would book you in for the following week. As i say, i would just call and stress to them how difficult it is and if they could bring your appointment forward it would make it easier xxx

I think (but not 100%) the reason they make you wait a week is so they can see any growth.
Growth would show at this early stage after a week, it is so that they can be 100% certain with what is happening and what they are diagnosing.

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