Recurrent miscarriage thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2014
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I'm currently going through my 3rd miscarriage in 12 months and thought Id start this thread for myself and other ladies in this awful position to share stories, offer support and share information.

My story so far:
May14 - Blighted ovum at 11w
Oct 14- missed miscarriage 8w
May15 - miscarriage at 8w (saw heartbeat at 6 weeks)

I have had extensive testing after the second mmc, lots of blood tests (they took 9 viles of the stuff!) including dna testing for hubby and myself. All clear.

With all the unknown surrounding miscarriage, it can be hard to filter through all the information. My goal right now is to let myself recover from this latest loss, then to find a good fertility expert that can help me explore the next steps.

I hope to hear stories from other ladies (especially success stories!) in this terrible position so we can support each other.
I'll be following this thread.
After two miscarriages in succession last year we decided to wait for a while. We'll be trying again in December.
In my area they won't do any tests or investigations until you've had 3mcs.
After the last one I was informed I had a whole brigade of cysts on both my ovaries, but don't display the other symptoms "enough" to be classed as having pco 'syndrome'.
My cycles have been messed up ever since.
That's a lovely extra spanner in the works.

Looking forward to hearing others stories, especially the success stories! :)
I'm so sorry you mc again coco. thanks for starting the thread i've also had 3 mc within the last year and its a lonely road at times as its not something people feel comfortable talking about.

My story so far is;

June 2014 - AF overdue and not getting BFP until about a week later to then mc the next day at what would have been around 5 weeks
November 2014 - MMC detected at 12 week scan, baby died at 8+4
February 2015 - MC at 7w but suspect baby died much earlier as no large clots and nothing much showed on scan

1 cycle TTC after the last mc

I have an appointment at the RMC clinic 5th of June and I'm not sure if i'm hoping they will find something or not!
Not sure if I can join this thread, I've had 2 m/c's, one in 2011 at 14 weeks and one in 2014 at 10 weeks. In our area the testing is done after 2 m/c's but they have to be within 2 years so I can't have the testing done.
My cycles since the last m/c have been really messed up too with a lot of 14-17 day cycles. Although they where a bit messed up ever since my first m/c.
Sorry for everyones losses. Although I would never wish this on my worst enemy, it is comforting to know I'm not alone in going through this.

I came across this article today which I found really interesting. It really seems to make a lot on sense in my case (Platypus maybe in your case too?) with the BFP's in such quick succession. It has struck me as odd that I seem to have no problem at all falling pregnant; its keeping them that's the problem.

Although it is zero help to me right now, the idea of being just too "super fertile" is very appealing!
Not sure if I should post as I have a 9 month old. But I have no problem falling pregnant staying pregnant is my problem too. I have 2 living children and 9 angel babies. Had all the tests and nothing found. It took me 12 years trying to have my son 9 months ago and just had another loss trying again. Hope it's not another 12 years.
I totally understand the frustration at not being able to do what our bodies are supposed too

I have another scan in 8 weeks as I have fibroids they might remove now even tho they said were harmless xxx
Not sure if I can join this thread, I've had 2 m/c's, one in 2011 at 14 weeks and one in 2014 at 10 weeks. In our area the testing is done after 2 m/c's but they have to be within 2 years so I can't have the testing done.
My cycles since the last m/c have been really messed up too with a lot of 14-17 day cycles. Although they where a bit messed up ever since my first m/c.

Im so sorry they are not going to test you based on your circumstances :-( It must be so frustrating to make you wait for it to possibly happen again. Especially when it seems to be a matter of simple blood tests that can point to some easily treatable problems. Based on my age (34) they allowed me to go through the testing process here in the Netherlands after 2 losses.
I guess on a positive note, the reason the NHS often don't test after 2 mc is that the statistics indicate that even after 2 losses, it is so probable that your next pregnancy will be successful, that is not deemed necessary to even test after 2 mc.
That reasoning isn't of any help to you though :-(
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I don't have a success story yet but I have had 4 miscarriages in 4 years, we don't get pregnant easily and lose them when we do :(

1st MC- 8 weeks but showed as 6. Heartbeat stopped a few days later.
2nd MC - 5-6 weeks. A very sudden and quick miscarriage.
3rd - Blighted ovum, discovered around 6-7 weeks but had to have erpc 8-9 weeks
4th - IVF pregnancy, lost at 12 weeks due to it being a very rare indentical twin pregnancy. One developed completely fine but the other didn't but caused issues for the developing twin. They didn't discover it was a twin pregnancy until 12 week scan even though we had 4 scans before that.

We have had all the testing and everything is normal and fine. I hope with all my heart that it works out for us the next time, after the last one I never thought I would want to try again as its just so heart-breaking. We are trying again now though and trying to keep positive.

So sorry to all you ladies going through something that no person should ever experience once, nevermind multiple times xx
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I'm sorry for all your losses and it gives me hope lilmisshopeful that if i keep going that eventually i will get my take home baby.

interesting article coco - i like the idea of being super fertile (with the mc) and it has been comforting to know that i can fall pregnant relatively easy (although i'm scared that the mc might have done something to change that).

I keep thinking of all the reasons why it might be happening - the consultant is going to love me next month (not) i'm keeping a list of all things to ask him if they could be important
- excessive consumption of coke zero
-over weight
- poor circulation, my limbs are always cold
-i know i'm heterozygote for factor V leiden (but my understanding is this is a mostly a risk inlater pregnancy and not early preg)
- in the last couple of years i've had issues with random join and tissue pain - the current thing being pain on the top of the foot with slight pressure

but then there is every reason its just because i'm unlucky and next time will be different. If 1 in 5 pregnancies end in mc then 1 in 25 women will have 2 in a row, 1 in 125 3 in a row and 1 in 625 4 times ..... given the number of women trying for babies sadly there will be those of us who are just unlucky. this is strangly comforting to me but it still hurts.
Success stories kept me going, so here's mine.

4 miscarriages over 3 years, never got a baby past 6-7 weeks, but MMC on 2 occasions, 1 "ectopic" treated with methotrexate but baby ended up developing in utero for a short period which was the worst one for me. I had my rainbow baby in 2013, and now pregnant with baby #2 and nearly 20 weeks.
My consultant went on hunches rather than test results in the end as most of my test were normal (clotting ones were borderline). I have a history of a blood clot, and multiple allergies/asthma, so I went on a steroid/heparin/aspirin/high dose vit/progesterone drug protocol which started 48hrs after ovulation with pg #5, and this time from bfp (tested from 10dpo)

I took 2 breaks in ttc during this period, one to land my dream job and the second due to the methotrexate. If you fall pregnant easily, its worth considering as it got my head straight.

The other things that kept me sane were to stop putting life on hold (even when ttc second time, we were not booking holidays etc "just in case"), once we got over this, we went on some awesome trips. We had to cancel going to Sri Lanka as my rainbow was about to arrive, and it was the sweetest thing I ever did! Second was to get some counselling after the 4th MC. It was a bloody awful time.

Within 11 months of my 4th MC I had my rainbow in my arms.

RMC is a lonely awful place to be, but for most it ends happily ever after. The trick is to dig deep and not give up, which can be easier said than done when it feels like your heart is breaking. Some of you ladies I have been following your journey for a while, but to you all I wish you rainbows very soon.
So sorry for your loss coco :-(

My story
Started trying April 2012.
First mc at 5 weeks November 12 - natural
Second mc at 13 weeks April 13 - medical management followed by ERPC for retained placenta
Third mc at 8 weeks September 13 - surgical management
Fourth mc at 5 weeks November 13 - natural
Fifth mc at 5 weeks July 14 - natural

All testing has shown nothing wrong but if I fall pregnant again then I've to start progesterone pessaries. I was falling pregnant within a few months of trying and then nothing for months and now nothing again for months. I'm in my two week wait at the moment from my fourth round of clomid. Although I ovulate on my own, I'm 41 so my fertility doc gave me clomid to try and speed up my chances but so far no success. I've also been having reflexology since my last mc.
It's been a long lonely journey and I'm struggling with the reality of the fact it might just never be for me :-(
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Ooh flisstebbs what you said is interesting, I have lots of allergies and asthma and my most recent chemical was when i was taking steroid tablets for my asthma and I read that some people take them for help with implantation etc but keep taking them for a while to help after that too. I wondered whether that helped a little. Maybe it did. Probs clutching at straws but may mention at my next appt xxx
i think the don't not plan things just incase is great advice fliss - i've lost track of trips/events i haven't said yes to just in case i was pregnant or because i was pregnant, and this really does add to the frustrations
How's everyone going? Just wondering what everyone's plans are now at this stage? Continuing TCC as normal? We see the fertility department on Wednesday to see what their suggestions are, but I fear "keep trying" will be the only advice they offer.
Hubby and I have had a big chat and decided we are going to commit now completely to a holistic approach. Ive done a lot of research on egg quality & general health after our last loss so we are now really going to jump into a complete lifestyle overhaul. And I mean some massive changes ahead
To be completely honest Im a fairly moderate drinker (never while pregnant though) and my diet has never been great, I just have a feeling these things have contributed to what has happened to us.
So, we are doing the lot; appointment with nutritionist, organic food when possible, acupuncture....really the works.
I just need to feel like I need to be in control of something here, and if a better diet and lifestyle is all I can really control, then I guess it cant hurt right?

Has anyone been down this track and have any suggestions?
We are trying to do a plant based diet this cycle ready for our first clomid cycle :)
I'm having raspberry leaf tea whilst on af and having epo :)
Been excersizing more too :) xxx
ohh I love the raspberry leaf tea. I need to get some more tomorrow actually.
Are you just doing more general exercise or anything specific? Im going to start yoga soon after my mc bleeding stops, and I really, really want to commit twice a week a least. Ive never been an exercise fan so hopefully I can find something I enjoy so I can stick it out!
i'll be interested to see what the consultant says to you on Wed.

We are still ttc and at the moment i'm using opks twice a day and we are bd'ing every 2nd day since the end of AF and once i get a positive OPK will go daily for 3 days - i think this is what they call egg meets sperm, but apart from last cycle every other time we have done this we have got our bfp so fingers crossed it works this cycle.

we haven't made any changes but possibly will if we are not sucessful this cycle and what - if any thing - is found when i have my tests on the 5th.
I had a son in 2006 and a daughter in late 2009 - then....

I had 3 losses in 2012/13 - November '12 miscarriage at 7w2d after seeing hb one day it was gone the next! Another loss at 10w2d in Feb '13 and a Chemical pregnancy in Mar'13 (got a bfp first cycle after mc).

Then I had another bfp in July 2013! and that bfp was born a baby girl in March 2014 - she is now coming up to 14 months.

The only things I did differently after the last loss was to take low dose aspirin! I took it from just after my last loss, all the way through my next pregnancy and up until I was 36 weeks! not on doctors advise (they didn't want to know - and didn't class the chemical as a loss, so wouldn't do any investigations). I was 35 when I had the losses, so they were just put down to my age, and 'bad eggs' Charming huh!

Anyway my baby making days are now over, we aren't having any more now - but are very happy with the 3 we have :)
How's everyone going? Just wondering what everyone's plans are now at this stage? Continuing TCC as normal? We see the fertility department on Wednesday to see what their suggestions are, but I fear "keep trying" will be the only advice they offer.
Hubby and I have had a big chat and decided we are going to commit now completely to a holistic approach. Ive done a lot of research on egg quality & general health after our last loss so we are now really going to jump into a complete lifestyle overhaul. And I mean some massive changes ahead
To be completely honest Im a fairly moderate drinker (never while pregnant though) and my diet has never been great, I just have a feeling these things have contributed to what has happened to us.
So, we are doing the lot; appointment with nutritionist, organic food when possible, acupuncture....really the works.
I just need to feel like I need to be in control of something here, and if a better diet and lifestyle is all I can really control, then I guess it cant hurt right?

Has anyone been down this track and have any suggestions?

I don't "belong" in this thread, but I am really interested in the holistic approach to TTC. Unfortunately I have a husband who doesn't necessarily see any of that as a positive...
I don't drink, smoke, consume caffeine, and I am a vegan. My diet isn't fantastic (veg phobic - the worse veggie ever!), but it is a lot better than it could be.
I wonder if you have any simple, easy tips I could follow? I don't want to go down the route of acupuncture, or anything else expensive just yet (OH wouldn't allow).
Hope you don't mind the comment!

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