REALLY thirsty


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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I know one of the early symptoms is thirst but just wondered if anyone else is still really thirsty all the time?? I thought it was something that passed but I get so thirsty so quickly its as though i havent had a drink for hours when I have only had one a little while ago. I'm buying drinks from Spa shops as I struggle to make it home I'm gasping so badly.
Is it just me? xxxx
Thanks Rosa, Thats good:) It just puts your mind at rest to know its normal doesnt it? xxx
im the same jody, im going throuhg bottles and bottles of water at work each day and then needing the loo every 5 minutes because of it lol. i hadnt heard of it being a symptom but glad its not just me :) xx
I was the same during first tri and it's cone back now in the last tri x it happens in the 1st tri because your body is producing up to 50% more blood and is working harder to help baby survive x
I'm not as far on as you yet but i have found that i am drinking alot more these days. But then i didn't really drink much prior to finding out i was pregnant so it's quite a good thing that i have started now. Just can't drink water though so i'm taking diluting juice instead. Gone right off of tea aswell, but i was the same when i was pregnant with our daughter. Aren't our bodies wonderful doing all the extra work as usual?!:0)
Lol in tri 1 I couldn't get enough of milk! Was constantly thirsty for milk! So strange! X
Yeah, I need to drink so much, and I used to hardly drink anything. I wake up feeling really hungover and dehydrated - very unfair me thinks, I been a good girl!

I guess this lasts!
WOW Its really common isnt it, Thats good to know, Thanks girls xxxxx:)

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