Really can't decide!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Gah I'm finding it soooo hard trying to decide on a name.
I like the name Leon a lot, but I'm still unsure.
My mum loves the name Zack, I used to like it, but I'm not so sure anymore.
Other names I've considered are Ethan, Corey and Leo.
Gahhh it's so difficult. I know his middle name will be Wyn, as it's my mum's and my brother's middle name. Last name will be Keys (like me :p). So "something" Wyn Keys. Initial wise, better not choose a first name starting with "F" rofl!
Any help? :( Please???
i like Leon most but i think Ethan goes best with middlename and sirname x
Thanks, I like both names haha. :p The only problem with the name Ethan is that I had a little cousin called Nathan who died when he was 6 weeks old due to meningitis. We think Ethan might be bit too close to his name and don't want to upset the family or anything.

I have a book of names... but it doesn't help at all. Some of the names are a bit odd lol. I'm not gonna name my son "Adolf" or anything like that!
i love leo it was on my boys list think it such a lovely strong name
Leo is a really nice name. :) It's deffo one I'm thinking about.

Another on my list is "Caleb" but my mum really doesn't like that for some reason. =/
Leo is nice but I like Caleb too DH doesn't liek Caleb either very odd:/
Lol it must be a Marmite name! You either love it or you hate it. XD
I love Leo, dislike Caleb-def a marmite name! X
Haha thanks, everyone seems to like Leo. I really do love it too. :p
Lol Caleb is an option but I think it's unlikely I'll go for that. But we shall see when little man arrives.
Thanks for your input girls! :D It's very much appreciated.
i love leo but i really like caleb thats what i was choosing but oh didnt like it :(
I know a 2 year old Leo, name after Leonard his grandad, and he soo suits the name, great when calling it across a playground too! Leon is lovely too, Ethan sounds good with your names, but I see your problem there with Nathan.
Lol! Caleb, you either love it or you hate it.

Yep, I don't want to upset anyone by calling him "Ethan". Might remind the parents too much and that so I think Ethan is a no-no.

Leo and Leon are strong candidates. :p
My son is called Zak - got some funny looks when I chose that nigh on 18 years ago! So that would be my choice lol.

Is Wyn short for something? My old Nan was called Winnifred God love her
No, Wyn is a Welsh name, it means 'blessed' or 'holy'
I know a 2 year old Leo, name after Leonard his grandad, and he soo suits the name, great when calling it across a playground too! Leon is lovely too, Ethan sounds good with your names, but I see your problem there with Nathan.

If our baby is a boy were having Leonard as a middle name after OH's grandad!!! I really liked Leo but OH didn't!!

Also on a recent poll Corey was seen as one of the most popular names for misbehaved kids!!!! .....But also apparently Corey is a greek swear word (info courtesy of a friends daughter who is 1/2 greek and that was one of our choices for boys names)
Yeah Wyn is a Welsh name. Being Welsh, it's one of the most popular middle names in my family as it's used for boys and girls as middle names. Though if used as a first name it's normally for a boy. :)

Hahaha hmm might lay off Corey if it's a popular name for misbehaving children lol.

Right now I'm loving Leon... I think it's my fave so far. Still not 100% sure.

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