Ready to Give Up


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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I am going for my internal scan tomorrow, just finished cycle 5 of clomid at 100mg and was told to go for a scan on day 12.

To be honest i am cr**p*** myself as worried what they will find.

Im really at the end of my tether with it all now. I know i should be trying to think positive but its difficult to go through every month with no BFP.

Some good luck vibes would be appreciated xxx
How long have you been TTC hun?

Good luck, I hope everything goes ok for you x x

Hope you get good news at the scan tomorrow Hun :hugs: xx
Hope you get some good answers this week!! I know it's hard to stay positive, but you can't give up. If you give up you'll never get the BFP. Keep going and stay strong, come and rant at us when it all gets too much.

Wish you all the baby dust and luck in the world xxxxxx
Good Luck! Baby dust to you!
Goodluck lovely x

I had my internal scan on Friday x it's a simple scan an the technician will go through things wit you x

She told me there and then that my womb & tubes seem fine but have loads of little follicles therefore indicating pcos :( but at least I know what's wrong and they can treat it x

Don't give up we will all get there x we jus need extra special babes we have to wait a bit longer for :)
Good luck hun, hope everything goes well and you get some good news for a change! xx
Well got my scan, was fine just a bit uncomfortable.

They say there is a follicle there which is good news, but might need to back for a further scan to make sure. They are phoning this afternoon, if I dont need to go for another scan just to keep doing what I am doing, taking the clomid and trying for baby :)
Glad it went well hun, good news about the follicle!!! xx
What a relief they didn't find anything nasty on your scan hun. I know its a long draining process ttc but we just need to keep believing that it will happen for us xxx
Good Luck and lots of babydust Hun, hope this is your follie!

Thanks all, nurse phoned back yesterday and dont need to go for another scan, just need to wait until my day 21 bloods and see what happens then,

Lots of positive thinking for that BFP!!! :)

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