Can someone tell me..?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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..What is in Raspberry leaf tea?? and when i should start taking it?
I have bought Raspberry fruit and herb caffine free tea and it contains...
hibiscus, apple pomace, blackberry leaves, raspberry juice, raspberries, tartaric acid, rosehip and flavourings.

it tastes super yummy, but is this actually a type of raspberry leaf tea? ..or just a fruit tea as i dont want to be drinking it for the next 10 weeks if its the totaly wrong stuff :lol: please help :D
from what ive heard you shouldnt start drinking raspberry leaf tea till at least 36 weeks xxx
I think you have to use pure raspberry leaf tea which apparently tastes disgusting :lol: When it's mixed in with other fruit it wont be nearly as potent.

As advised any of these 'labour tips' should not be used until you are full term - just in case :wink:
You can get Raspberry Leaf capsule things in case you dont like the tea - but is supposed to be from about 36 weeks.
you can get them from health food shops in tablet form, they never worked for me but im sure others will swear by them.
The Raspberry fruit tea is the wrong stuff - you need the raspberry leaf which tastes horrible :( Its usully only available from health food shops and shouldn't be mixed with any other fruits or herbs. I tried it and didn't like it so ordered some tablets on the internet (much cheaper) and take 2 a day.
I don't think it brings on labour, just makes your body work a bit more efficiently during the second stage, I think it works for some people but not others - worth a try though :)

On my tablets it says you can take them from 28 weeks, the tea is a bit stonger and on that it says from 36 weeks
ahhh :) i heard that waiting full term is far too late to start taking it as it has no chance to work then :think:
i had only one cup of the fruit tea to try it and it was delicious! i didnt think it was the right stuff though :doh:
Full term is too late, you need a while for it to build up. It doesn't bring on labour, iy makes your second stage contractions more efficient.

Oh, and it needs to contain raspberry leaf, not just raspberry :)
Thanks hun :hug: did you drink it? if so from what stage? :) i hear all different thigs about it starting at different weeks ect xx
I did, I can't remember whether it was from 34 or 36 weeks though, I think 34. You're supposed to build it up gradually, from 2 cups a day to more, my brain's a bit foggy atm!

I like to think it helped, my pushing stage lasted and hour, but felt fab, the first half hour was feeling the head, then it going back, but the second half hour felt really... uh, the word... progressive? encouraging? you know what I mean!
Baby&i said:
Thanks hun :hug: did you drink it? if so from what stage? :) i hear all different thigs about it starting at different weeks ect xx

I had rasperry leaf tablets and it actuaaly said on the bottle from 32 weeks so may depend what you buy, but it shoud say on the label. My entire labour was only 2 hours so dont know if they contributed or not but definately worth a try! :D xx
aww thanks girls :hug: im still unsure weather im even going to drink it as my first labour was only 3 hours with my DD :shock: :lol:

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