This tip works!


May 30, 2005
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Hi I hope all goes well for everyone :D

I just want to tell all who smoke to stop smoking !. I was smoking and caught as soon as I quit and when I looked into this, it turns out cigarettes can make you temporarily infertile. So if your stressing out and think you need a ciggy have a sweet instead and you just might catch....hope this is of help to all smokers who want a baby! Jody :D
Hi Jody,

Thanks for this tip, I smoke 40 a day and am trying for a baby, I will stop tonight and will give this ago :D thanks sooo much for this brilliant tip :D from mandy xxxx
Thanks for the advice. I have a few quick questions for you. How much did you smoke? How long have you smoked? Exactly how long had you been quit before your BFP? How old are you? Sorry to be so nosey, but the more advice I get the better off I believe I will be. I have stopped smoking more times than I can count, but I always seem to go back to them. I planned on stopping when I got a BFP, but if this will help me get one I will stop before. Thanks in advance for your reply to my questions.

Hi there! In answer to your questions i have smoked for around 11 years and i went through phases of smoking 20 a day or more or 10-15 a day, also if i drank i could smoke up to 40-80 cigarettes. It's funny you asked how long it took to conceive after quitting....... i said to my partner that i would laugh if i caught as soon as i quit and sure enough i caught a few weeks after quitting cigarettes. I don't know whether this will help or not but i have tried to quit many times before and never succeeded. But when i realised it could have been preventing me from having a baby i just quit, i tore my hair out for a few days and had cravings for about a week but now the thought of smoking makes me feel ill i hate the smell and couldnt imagine holding a cigarette in my hand even. If you want to quit just think about it this way, everytime you smoke a ciggy you could be putting up toxic barriers around your eggs to stop your partners sperm getting in. I was amazed when i found out this because it doesn't happen to all women that smoke. I am no doctor but i hope this can be of help to you. I am still amazed how i quit so easily when its been so hard in the past. Good luck and i hope it all goes well for you :D Jodyx

p.s what does BFP mean?
Thanks for your reply. BFP means Big Fat Positive on your pregnancy test. Okay, I am going to put the cigarettes down. I will try that. I am trying Robitussin as well....I will try anything I can to get my BFP. Hope you have a very healthy pregnancy.


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