Any Quitters? (Smokers)

stopping smoking is the hardest thing i have tried 2do ever, i get as though i wud chew my own arm to have a fag!!! i have cut down since being prgenant and went to docs on friday who prescribed my chimpax or something tablets! i read the instructions this morning to start and it says do not take whilst pregnant!! what the doc gave me these!!!??? what do i do now???
im allergic to patches, so only have inhalator left! which is ok but always cave in!i love reading the insparational stories from every1 else an at the moment im following catty through her strugles!i am on the road to quitting but please soe1 tell me does the day ever come where u dont actually want a fag???
Misty most medications will say this but may be recommended by the doctor, patches etc I believe say the same. If concerned before taking return to the doctor and discuss the concerns x
I'm on day 9! Nicotine patch on, pluse nicotine lozengers if I'm tempted to slip. Tbh I think lozengers on their own would be enough, forgot patch yesterday but was sailing along fine with the lozengers alone. Best of luck with it Hun xx
Ive got my quit day tomorrow so tonight before i go to bed im getting rid of everything smoking related, not looking forward to it but i soooo wanna stop smoking.
I quit smoking a week after I found out I was pregnant, I had smoked for 10 years and I am ashmaed to say I love my fags! I havent had one since I was 5 or 6 weeks gone so im doing really well but I still want to smoke so its hard and im quite scared I will start again after the bubba is born! hopefully I will somehow manage to make myself hate cigarettes before feb!! lol
i quit with this pregnancy when i was about 15 weeks or something. It was hard at first but got easier as the days went along i just cut down and then completely stopped. Now when oh smokes i feel sick xx
Wow there are so many of us.

How's everone doing? I have started quitting again after slipping a bit this week and so far so good. I usually smoke roll-ups but this week I smoked some real ciggarettes which I really hate and I think it has put me off for a while.

Bless him, my OH has made me a star chart and I get rewards for not smoking!

Good luck to everyone quitting/preparing to quit

Arr thats well supportive catty, my oh just wines at me !
Not got a quit date yet, I'm worried about being irrational tbh (past says that will happen)! I want to use patches and the inhaler first week!
Good luck quitting hun, I managed and I did it really quickly. With a 7 month old and my OH smoking well over 20 a day infront of me :hug: it can be done and you will suceed xx
Good luck everyone! There are loads of you all quitting :D I stopped craving cigerettes after 6 months (yes sounds like a long time, but just remember how long you smoked for!) and now I cant imagine myself with a cigerette. It gets so much easier. Keep doing great! xx
omg toda was my hardesy day so far!! got thru it tho!! am so proud of myself!
today's the 2 week milestone for me!!! :) got patch on PLUS lozengers but heyho!!
:yay: princess!! we're all getting there, one step at a time! it hasnt really bothered me til today and i had nothing to do and two screaming kids and i thought i was going to snap, i really did!!
:yay: you didn't want one that badly then, otherwise you'd have forced yourself to go get some! :)

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