Quick update from me!

Im really rooting for you hun.. What do you think they will do? Do they have the facilities for an U/S?

My docs are crap - they have nothing there.. I just have to be referred here, there, and everywhere for things to get moving forward.. Pain in the ass!!

Im not to bad.. I feel very differant this month to be honest.. I am refusin to symptom spot but things just seem differant...

Although I said I wouldn't.... Heres my list lol;

6DPO - Bad pains which eventually subsided (What I mentioned earlier)
7DPO - Constipation and bad bad wind yesterday.. TMI im sorry but seriously that is the worst I have ever been!!!

And today my list is huge lol;
8DPO - All day today I have had a tugging sensation in my tummy.. I had a strong sensation of AF coming and had to run to the loo to check.. Nothing what so ever...
I cannot stop peeing today.... From 8.30 to 12.30 in work I went to the toilet a total of 7 times.... I only had one drink!!! After that it was pretty much the same but I give up counting how many times I had been lol. I have eaten like a pig... ( Im quite petite and dont really eat crap but check this list out lol: Cheese Spread on Toast for Breakfast, A nutrigrain bar, Chicken Butty, A bag of crisps, 2 BabyBells, Another nutrigrain bar, Another bag of crisp, Another nutrigrain bar, Speghetti Bol and I just this second polished off a bag of mini chedders) I was also going to add severe bloating but I will leave that one off due to the over eating I have done lol.

I feel like a fat blob right now.. Ohhh feeling so very sickly now too! DOH! x

Don't want to get your hopes up but my symptoms were/are really similar to those:

6/7DPO - AF-like cramps, convinced OB was on her way but knew it was too soon.
8DPO - now - sharp pulling pains in the muscles in my lower abdomen. Usually get them when I stand up to quick or bend to quick, almost like the muscle has tightened and isn't realeasing quick enough?? This is what made me suspect my pg first as I had these with my son.
10DPO - Sorry for TMI - feeling very wet down below...sorry, told you it was tmi!! So with this and the cramps, I keep thinking the OB has come and keep running to the loo to check.

Good luck, I really hope this is it for you x
Thanks P1nk11! :) x x

Oooh Louize, it's sounding great for you! :yay: I've only ever been to my doctor's once, as I moved here last year and my first and only appointment there was pants! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Last cycle when I went to the docs, I got AF the next day (Sod's Law!!) so praying over and over it won't happen this time, I really really want this BFP!! :pray:

x x
Thanks Cazza and Danni, hope we find out tomorrow, not sure how quickly we'll get the results though. x x
Ohhh thanks DW!! (Everytime I see your name it reminds me of the gym lol - sorry thats so random but it just does lol)
Do you check your cervical position? Im intrigued how it feels and where it is so early in a pregnancy.... Sorry, if you don't just ignore me and tell me mind my own..but if you do would you be able to enlighten moi?

Miss J - Even if AF does come (I hope it doesnt, i really do hope this is your BFP) but still go anway... especially with your long cycles.. Have you ever had your 21 bloods done?

Yeah we'll still go even if AF does turn up cos there's got to be something they can do about my cycles. I defo don't want to go through this again in another 80 odd days. :rolleyes: Not had them done, don't think my doc is very clued up on fertility to be honest. :( If tomorrow is crappy I might get hubby to look into changing docs. x x
Awww that sounds like the best option hun.. No good having a doc who has no idea what they are talking about... To put your mind at ease tho I would deffo deffo recommend having your 21 Bloods done!!
I feel so much better knowing im ok! (Apart from my low iron but thats easily sorted out and Im on my way to fixing it).

Deffo ask for them.. And don't take no for an answer!! Docs will fob you off in anyway they can! Your cycles are ridiculously long and you have to wait so much longer for any answers than I do or most women.. You deserve to know that your bloods are atleast fine!!!

Thanks hun, will mention it and see what they say. :)

Logging off now, will be online Thurs hopefully with news from the doc!! x x
Good luck for tomorrow, hope your GP does the right thing and gives you a bloody test :dust: xx
Hi there MissJuly, I'm new so just reading this now.
Have my fingers crossed foy you and hope all goes well at the doctors.

Best of luck!
Did MissJ go to the docs? I'm confused, some threads say the appt is on, some say it's off...

Confused.com x
She has appointment today jenny! but it got cancelled once but back on again now! she said she would update tomorrow!

Hope everything went well missj!!!
Thanks Nurse, I didn't know what to think and didn't want to say good luck in case she was like "Jen - keep up, it's cancelled!"

Good luck MissJ - kick up a fuss until you get an answer!

Thanks everyone, had an appointment, doc was useless as usual - didn't ask me anything or look me over - NOTHING, just sat discussing the last cycle with hubby! Turned out that we were actually meant to have a scan last cycle, we just never got the appointment!! The hospital sent my GP a letter to say I didn't turn up - :strangle: and my hubby refused to let him fob us off, saying how my cycle is now CD82 and we just want to know so we can be prepared, either way. Eventually the doc gave us a blood test form and we went straight to the clinic to have it done and hopefully the results will be here within 2-3 working days so we'll phone up on Friday and see if they have it, if not then we should know by Monday. Friday is my hubby's birthday so I'm praying like mad it'll be a positive!!!

Just popped on to update, will be back on tomorrow.

Hope you're all well ladies!! x x x
Grr so unfair for them to have messed you around like this!! Glad to hear you have got a blood test finally done - good luck with the results!!

Fx for Friday xx :clover: :clover: :clover:
Thanks hun, just glad we've got it done though I am *so* nervous about the results...! xx
FX for you, I had wacky cycles, this is my second PG, first one didnt work out but there is hope for us people with wacky cycles!

Do get your bloods done to make sure its not prolactin or testosterone or anything else, even if it takes changing a doctor.
I was put on progesterone support for lutheal phase (GPs dont do it here though!) and my cycles did settle down.

Hoping you will get your BFP in a couple of days!
Sorry your doctors are a waste of time Hun. I hope you get your BFP ... I got everything crossed xxx

Sorry your Dr's was so useless, I would definitely change either way hun - start the ball rolling now. Glad he eventually agreed to give you a blood test though and I've got everything crossed that they come back with a BFP tomorrow xxx
Ohhh thanks DW!! (Everytime I see your name it reminds me of the gym lol - sorry thats so random but it just does lol)
Do you check your cervical position? Im intrigued how it feels and where it is so early in a pregnancy.... Sorry, if you don't just ignore me and tell me mind my own..but if you do would you be able to enlighten moi?

Miss J - Even if AF does come (I hope it doesnt, i really do hope this is your BFP) but still go anway... especially with your long cycles.. Have you ever had your 21 bloods done?


Sorry gym joke lost on me, I'm in the Channel Islands!!

I don't mind you asking me about cervical position but I'm sorry I don't check mine!! I have absolotely no idea what it feels like at any time in my cycle.
Lol Dave Whelan the owner of Wigan Football club owns a chain of gyms and shops that used to be called JJB .. now called DW.


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