Quick update from me!

Yes the girls have got an idea there, at least you would get your answers straight away

Surely it cant be right to have a 80 day cycle?? thats crazy!

Hope you are ok hun, hows the toe?
I think that's a great idea. You've got to get some kind of sympathy vote if you go in hobbling on crutches!
Thanks ladies, will mention it to hubby, I had a thought along the same lines but didn't think my hubby would go for it lol. I think we're off to the docs next week other wise.... :rolleyes: x x

Thanks Nurse, it's getting better, slowly but surely! I've never broken a toe so no idea how long it'll take before I can walk normally but for now my crutches and I have decided to co-operate lol. x x
Oh Miss J, thats so crap and so disappointing.

You could always be a bit generous with the truth, go to A&E with bad 'tummy ache' and say you suspect you could be pregnant and you're worried then they would probably test/scan you to see.

I was also thinking you could do something like that, hopefully it would give you answers x
Think it's gonna be the only way you will get the answers you need as to whether your lil bean is shy hun

Still keep your doctors appointment for next week but from the sounds of it, your gonna be waiting even longer for answers just by sticking with him

Here we go again... Hubby phoned the docs again and said he wasn't going to let them put us off, that he was unavailable and they would have to make room for us cos we need to know if we're pregnant or not etc and lo and behold, they gave us an appointment for tomorrow morning!! :yay:

Won't be online tomorrow as hubby is off so will update on Thursday. :) x x
:yay: at last! Best of luck for tomorro, here's hoping it's a bfp :hug:
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Fantabulous :yay: hubby, well done him :yay:

Soooooooo glad they've given you an appointment tomorrow morning hun, will thinking of you

Thanks ladies, am praying like mad at the mo cos it's like my body knows I'm getting closer to finding out and has decided to confuse me more!! Got an intense ache low down on my left side. :confused:

x x x
Yay!!Bout time u get some answers hunni!
I really really got my fingers crossed for u chick!
I had an intense pain in my left side the other day.. To the point wer I contemplated going to the walk in centre as I suspected ectopic.. Silly me.. I always worry.. .. Mine felt like a stitch and if I twisted or arched my body it felt like somebody had prodded me hard in my side....But the day later it had subsided. xx
Thanks Louize! :) x x

It's gone now, I'm just :pray: like crazy lol keeping the PMA going... :whistle:

x x
I think its a good sign to be honest!

Before my mc last year I had that pain quite often..
It started happening for me at 5 weeks gone when I noticed it more, mainly when I was putting my moisteriser on.. (I have a daily routine of putting moisteriser on lol) and it hurt when I was trying to spread it on my back, thighs and shoulders as it felt like my stomache mucsles where refusing to let my turn my body.

Just a note incase I have worried anybody who is getting these pains that you shouldnt worry .. I have read ALOT of pregnant women with healthy pregnancys get this pain throughout!! Sorry if I have worried anybody!
Hmmm....Well hopefully all will be revealed tomorrow!! *Come on BFP!!*

How're you doing Louize? x x
Hope you get your BFP hunni I'll be keeping everything crossed for you xxxxxx

Im really rooting for you hun.. What do you think they will do? Do they have the facilities for an U/S?

My docs are crap - they have nothing there.. I just have to be referred here, there, and everywhere for things to get moving forward.. Pain in the ass!!

Im not to bad.. I feel very differant this month to be honest.. I am refusin to symptom spot but things just seem differant...

Although I said I wouldn't.... Heres my list lol;

6DPO - Bad pains which eventually subsided (What I mentioned earlier)
7DPO - Constipation and bad bad wind yesterday.. TMI im sorry but seriously that is the worst I have ever been!!!

And today my list is huge lol;
8DPO - All day today I have had a tugging sensation in my tummy.. I had a strong sensation of AF coming and had to run to the loo to check.. Nothing what so ever...
I cannot stop peeing today.... From 8.30 to 12.30 in work I went to the toilet a total of 7 times.... I only had one drink!!! After that it was pretty much the same but I give up counting how many times I had been lol. I have eaten like a pig... ( Im quite petite and dont really eat crap but check this list out lol: Cheese Spread on Toast for Breakfast, A nutrigrain bar, Chicken Butty, A bag of crisps, 2 BabyBells, Another nutrigrain bar, Another bag of crisp, Another nutrigrain bar, Speghetti Bol and I just this second polished off a bag of mini chedders) I was also going to add severe bloating but I will leave that one off due to the over eating I have done lol.

I feel like a fat blob right now.. Ohhh feeling so very sickly now too! DOH! x
Oh that is brilliant news MissJ. I really hope you get a BFP tomorrow and if not then definitely some answers. I'm keeping everything double crossed for you xxx
Ooooh well done to your OH for getting you an earlier appt!!

Fingers very very tightly crossed for you xx

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