Quick update from me!

OMG my heart just skipped a beat! How can you be so calm?????? xxx
Aww that's a tough one Hun, maybe wait and see him face to face there's not too long now, what time is he home?

You best come and tell us if it's your BFP I don't know if we can all stand another night of suspense!!

Just in case a bit more dust!

Now now now lol! I think you've been so patient, I really admire u, I couldnt do it!

I've got everything crossed for u :) xxx
Lol thanks ladies! x x

Spinney - I'm still trying to be rational (trying!), it could be horrible news so I have to remember that while it's possible it's a BFP, there's just as much potential (I think!) that it could be BFN! My stomach is doing somersaults! x x

Maybe - You lovely ladies on here are the whole reason behind me wondering whether I should get him to text me the result... I don't want to keep you all in suspense a second longer lol. He won't be home til late - 9 o clock I think. :( In which case I won't be able to reveal the results til the morning! Eeeek! x x

Smith - Thanks hun, really appreciate it. :) x x
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Hi MissJuly

Much as I and all the other ladies here are gagging to find out your results ;-) whether it is BFN or BFP would it not be nicer for you to have your OH there for you at the moment you find out?

Please put yourself first whatever you decide to do! :)

Fingers and everything crossed for you xxx :dust:
:wave: Yikes, I raced home from work and this is the first thing I have done, I
am still in my shoes and coat!!!
We are all rooting for you xxxx
Looks like I will be telling you all tomorrow. Hubby phoned them and my GP still hasn't looked at the results yet!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!! They said they would phone hubby when he has. What a fecking wind up!! x x
:wave: Yikes, I raced home from work and this is the first thing I have done, I
am still in my shoes and coat!!!
We are all rooting for you xxxx

Aw wow lol, sorry I couldn't bring better news hun! x x
Ahhh....stupid doctor!!! Really want to know!

fx for you hun!
OMG, I'm on my pins waiting...goodness know what you guys must be like!!
The important thing is you and hubby.
Just think, hopefully tonight, you will be in the know after all this time. :)
What a flaming carry on though eh?
We will be thinking of you babe xxx
Thanks everyone. Just so frustrated with my doctors surgery at the mo. We just want a yay or nay!! :(

Going to wait til he comes home so we can share the results together, whatever they are. Sorry to keep you all hanging on ladies! x x
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Definitely think that is how it should be, enjoy the moment together xxxx
Not that you are ever going to forget it lol
Thanks Kezza and Twilly. :) I know he's feeling just as anxious, if not more so cos he's the one that has to break the news whichever way it will be, plus if it is a BFP then we can enjoy it at the same time and if it's BFN then we can both be sad together. :love: x x
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Don't apologise to us hun, we can wait a bit longer (only a bit mind :wink: ). The most important thing is the two of you xxx
Lol Danni, only til tomorrow morning I think. :) Logging off now as my niece will be here soon - will update as and when I can.

FX and loads of babydust pretty please! :love: x x x
wow missj - torture or what!?? just read through todays posts, u must be going out of your mind. i have everything crossed for you and your OH xx
I hope your doc gets a darn move on and here's some dust for you!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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