Quick update from me!

Omg I'm so sorry hun, that's just totally unacceptable & there isn't any kind of excuse for that

How on earth do they think this is ok to do this to patients

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

The doc won't say anymore other than it's the lab's fault cos they refused, they can't have cos they allowed me to have the blood test done in the first place but I don't really understand how it all works. Just want to curl up and cry, I was so desperately hoping for some answers and we're back at square one. :cry: :brat: :cry: x x
That is totally unacceptable! I hope your hubby gives a right piece of his mind, you should both go in and give them what for face to face so you can have your say too. How annoying xx
Im so sorry missj, is there no way you can change your gp now and book an appointment straight away as it sounds like your gp doesnt understand what he is putting you through. I know it means explaining everything but it will save you having to go through all this :hugs: x x

I want to but hubby wants to see this through even if it means breathing down their necks lol. x x

Logging off now, need a break. :( Will update asap ladies, thanks so much for your wonderful support today, so sorry it's gone pear shaped. :(

:love: x x x
Ohhh Hun I'm so sorry!!

I can't believe the receptionist even had the cheek to say she cant read the results!!!!!! And the whole "please note..."


Hugs xxxx

OMG i cant believe this!!!! what idiots, i cant see why the lab would refuse this unless paperwork was filled incorrectly

I would find another GP, he sounds like a bloody mickymouse GP.

Hope you are Ok hun! xxx
OMG this is absoloutely disgusting and totally unacceptable, you must be going out of your mind! Im so sorry MissJ :hugs: xxx
Oh hun sending you big :hugs: this is unbelievable and as the others have said very unacceptable. The lab just wouldn't refuse to test the blood as it's not their choice to make, the only reason this would happen is the GP hasn't fille din the paperwork/requested the blood test properly :twisted:
Absolute rubbish on their behalf! Thinking of u hun! ;( useless....you knows xxx
:hugs::hugs:oh hunni I'm so sorry that they are putting you through this it is completely unaccecptable & you & hubby should put in a complaint - you have been given false information all day & labs test all bloods unless paperwork is incorrect. I'm so angry for you, can't imagine how your feeling sweetie xx I think that you should go the surgery together in the morning & demand to speak to the practice manager, tell them how you've been treated & demand to be retested urgently - don't let them fob you off with any excuses - I know in my area that as long as bloods are taken before midday they are sent the lab for testing to be done the same day so would of thought it would be the same for you. Wish I could something to help, will be on here asap in the morning to see how your doing :) stay positive we are all here for you xxx
How ridiculous! I think the girls are rite... the paperwork wasnt filled out properly. But, brightside... uv still no AF so cling onto that for the mo and get ur hubby to sort out ur GP ;-)
OMG Miss J..............can not believe what you are having to go through hunny??!!!

I agree with P1nk11 I would be on their doorstep first thing tomorrow wanting to speak to the practice manger about it.

No one deserves to be treated like this, it's disgraceful.
missj, i know exactly how you feel with the bloods! they did the exact same thing to me today! rung yesterday and today! today i was told they had been faxed through and someone would have a look and get back rung again this afternoon when i hadnt heard and was told well actually there are no results cos the paperwork was wrong and they distroyed your bloods! its disgustiong that they can get away with such incompitence!!!! im as cross for you as i am myself now!!! sssssooooooooooo rediculous!!!!!
:( That's awful! They can't have refused?!! I bet the doctors have messed it up and not sent it through or something and they're trying to blame the lab. Hope they manage to sort it out soon for you :hug:
Oh no MissJ, what a bloody nightmare. You're lucky though with your Docs giving your results to hubby, mine wouldn't dish anything out unless you're the patient...! That said, your's sound like they're having a right laugh, if they didn't test your blood, what did they test? Did you have to POAS as well? X
Oh Miss J, I'm sorry you still are none the wiser. They are being such tossers. I would threaten them with an official complaint, this is absolutely ridiculous, you cannot keep being fobbed off like this.

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