Quick question? Too young?


Active Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Hello everyone, not sure if any of you will remember me but I’m back! (to fill you in i was on here previously after having a pregnancy scare at a very inappropriate time back in April/March time)

Me and my partner have now brought our first house, moved in and I’m more happy than i could have ever imagined!

Last night me and my partner sat up talking about the future, i told him about how i would like to think about taking myself off the pill next year, i think he was ok with it, he said he would like a few years before we start trying which I’m happy with

I'm extremely ill at the moment so currently hiding under the bedcovers trying to get better, my partners parents came over to help out as we are having work done on the house, his mum actually asked if i was pregnant as the fever/sickness she thought i was pregnant but i said I can't be as i'm still on the pill!

The thing was i was shocked that she was not sort of angry, she said she would be happy and supportive either way, in fact his Dad was disappointed that i said i wasn't?! I'm only 18 and thought as my partner was older (24) they would not want me to get pregnant so soon but they were so supportive of us with the house move and now saying they don't mind if i was to get pregnant it has made me so happy!

I know i'm only 18, but i have a house that i own with my partner, a long-term stable relationship, i'm happy, i have a good job in law, a future that looks good…

What do you think?, am i still to young to even think about coming off the pill??

Would appreciate your opinion??

nope 18 is defo not to young to become a mum depends on each person and how mature they are i decided i wanted a child at 17

i must admit some days i regret it like today i found out all my mates are off to ibiza
See i've always been different (Weird some might say) i tended to be more intereted in my older friends lifes those who are settling down rather than those who are clubbing/holidaying etc

I think i did things to early, like clubbing at 16, law job at 17, buying a house at 18!

I feel like i want to settle down and raise a child of my own??

Do i make sense? Or am i just weird?!
Im the same. I was doing things at 12 that people my age now do.
only you can decide that and you are in the position of being able to plan for a baby. I think what you and your OH talked about sounds like a great idea and if you both decide to try earlier than there's nothing stopping you.

good luck in whatever you decide and hope you feel ok soon.
Thanks guys! It's nice having people on here to talk too!!

Going to nap now, still not very well!! :(

Hope to be better soon :)
you are never to young hun if u feel its what you want
aslong as you no in yourself that your going to be commited to stopping and, changing nappys etc then thats all u need
i had my first at 14, now that was young! not 18 lol
good luck anyway hun
x sophie x
Hunny if you feel you are capable of looking after a baby and like you say, you are settled, with a house etc then go for it - only if you are 100% ready though!!

Im only 19 (20 next month) and im TTC at the moment (with no such luck yet!! :roll: )

good luck hunny!!! :D
when ur ready to hav a child is a very personal choice.
I was too young at 18 coz i was very immature and loved partying too much, and didnt feel ready anyway (i wasnt gonna plan til i was in my 30s! but i didnt get to wait that long lol!)
but u sound completely settled and responsible and ready- ur at the right age for u, so i say go for it! and good luck :hug:
I had my first baby 4days past my 19th birthday. I dont feel I was too young.

If you and your partner are happy and its what you both want and secure I dont see why not.

I do not think 18 is too young hun.
I got pregnant at 18 while on the pill so it wasnt planned but i had her at 19 then got pregnant again at 19 and am having this LO at 20 :)
I wouldnt change a thing, like Dionne says there are times when i feel like im missing out when my friends can just leave and go on holiday and i cant but looking at my baby girl i know it was all worth it :D
Do whatever you and your BF feel is right you know in your heart if your ready or not , good luck :hug: oh and get better
Age is so silly when it come to this.... whenever you feel ready go for it. I was 22 when I had Arianna and I was told I was old for having my first!! :oops: just about slapped the midwife for that comment!!
Betty-Boop said:
Hello everyone, not sure if any of you will remember me but I’m back! (to fill you in i was on here previously after having a pregnancy scare at a very inappropriate time back in April/March time)

Me and my partner have now brought our first house, moved in and I’m more happy than i could have ever imagined!

Last night me and my partner sat up talking about the future, i told him about how i would like to think about taking myself off the pill next year, i think he was ok with it, he said he would like a few years before we start trying which I’m happy with

I'm extremely ill at the moment so currently hiding under the bedcovers trying to get better, my partners parents came over to help out as we are having work done on the house, his mum actually asked if i was pregnant as the fever/sickness she thought i was pregnant but i said I can't be as i'm still on the pill!

The thing was i was shocked that she was not sort of angry, she said she would be happy and supportive either way, in fact his Dad was disappointed that i said i wasn't?! I'm only 18 and thought as my partner was older (24) they would not want me to get pregnant so soon but they were so supportive of us with the house move and now saying they don't mind if i was to get pregnant it has made me so happy!

I know i'm only 18, but i have a house that i own with my partner, a long-term stable relationship, i'm happy, i have a good job in law, a future that looks good…

What do you think?, am i still to young to even think about coming off the pill??

Would appreciate your opinion??


yep! wait till your 23 or so and if you're still ready to have a baby then go for it. Enjoy your youth. You never get it back.
I had my son at 19. Was pregnant at 18 and it was planned. I think it's down to you and whether you feel ready. It's hard work and you'll never be prepared for the arrival of a baby but it's the best thing I ever did!!
It's such a personal thing Betty-Boop. I know there's no way I could have thought about it when I was 18. I was too busy enjoying myself back then and even the thought of buying a house would have been scary!
I'm really glad I was able to go to Uni, live abroad, have wild parties every weekend, build a career and see some of the world before I settled down. Mind you, I didn't meet my OH 'til I was 30. Maybe if I'd met him sooner I may have considered it, who knows.........
Do what you feel is right. Good luck and get well soon. :hug:
Having a baby is your personal choice, if you were 14 i might be saying your way to young! but your 18 and if you feel ready to have one and your secure and happy with your partner and you have talked it over then whats stopping you?
I was 19 when I fell pregnant with my first child. The midwives at the time kept offering me an abortion and telling me I was too young, even after I gave birth and I was 20 then.

Considering when I was 14, my mother had a stroke and I had to care for her and my brother who had downs syndrome and the government wern't overly helpful at the time, I was more mature and prepared for the level of care a newborn required than most 30 year olds. That didn't matter though...most people just see the age.

The only thing I had an problem with was the relationship I was in...It was terrible and we broke up within 4 years of the birth. I wish I hadn't of had a baby with that man, and now he has disowned his daughter.

If you are happy in your relationship and you are in a stable position it shouldn't matter how old you are when you have kids...and they will be gone by the time you are older so you can really enjoy your later years.
I'm 15 and pregnant...I've wanted to have a baby since I was about 13 and everyone kept telling me not to "act on my hormones" and that the "novelty wears off" but that's not how I see it at all. I'm so ready for this baby, even though she was not planned. If you think you're ready and it's what you really want then you just have to go for it. Too many people are putting off kids to have jobs and I think the general age for people having children these days is kinda weird but it's a personal choice. A lot of teens can take care of babies much better than some adults.
I think its a personal choice but I would be wary of one thing. Its harder to get your foot in the door jobwise once the baby is here. Studying and working long hours to prove yourself is a lot harder once a baby is here and in my experience I haveent got the same motivation for a hard job because all Im interested in is my kids.
My current employers dont know what im capable of in my job because I dont get the chance because im part time and have kids so I dont get the interesting things to do.
My old employer does though because he worked with me before kids so he knows what a fab job I can do given the chance....

Its not the same for everyone though, there are some very skilled people on this forum.

Ive warbled on a bit and I wouldnt swap my children for any job. Im 29 btw.

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