questions about miscarriage


Nov 22, 2009
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just had a miscarriage yesterday. I was only about 5 weeks preg. I went to the hospital yesterday after finding bleeeding in the morning. I took my preg test last weekend and it came back preg on the digital one. I didnt go to the dr or anything until i started bleeding. They werent concerned so i went to the hospital where they took blood and a urine sample.... both preg test came back negetive so the nursery said it was a miscarry, but didnt really tell me anything else. I could call back for the blood results, but I dont know if it will matter not that I'm not preg anymore. The nurse just said take pain killers for the cramps. I'm confused and wondering Does this feel like a normal period? How long does the bleeding last? I've been having bad cramping since thursday night before I had the miscarriage. The cramps feel like period cramps, but I dont normally get them that last more than a day.
:hug: I'm sorry I don't have much advice but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss x
thanks.... if anyone has had one please let me know. I'm a bit worried. They never did a scan or anything. How do I know everything is okay? Do I just bleed and then when everything stops it's okay? I dont know....Should I phone the doctor and ask about the blood results or does it matter?
:hug: no advice, as I was further along, but would imagine so early it would be more like a heavy period (certainly a friends experience), I wouldn't worry too mauch about a scan either as they cannot really see much before 6-7 weeks, so ur bloods will have given more information...

big big :hug:
I've no experience of this but I'm sure someone will be along who had an early MC to offer some advice

my first miscarriage was at 6 weeks 3 days and that needed medical management and hospital admission but my second one was at about 5 weeks and I just bled like a normal period but heavier and more painful.

Watch out for clots and bad pain and if you get either go to A&E hun. If your in a lot of pain on Monday it maybe worth going to your GP to get some strong co-codamol or something.

Sorry for your loss :hug:
Hiya hun, firstly Welcome to Pregnancy Forum and sorry it wasn't in better circumstances :(

So sorry for your loss :hug:

With one of my losses I lost at between 6/7 weeks but mine wasn't a complete miscarriage and I was still testing faintly positive. The fact you are testing negative means you have more than likely had a complete miscarriage and therefore no products of conception are left behind :(

The bleeding can last a week or so but the cramping should certainly subside in a day or so but if it doesn't or you bleed for longer then go to your dr and ask for a scan to make sure the Miscarriage was complete.

So sorry again, any questions then please shout :hug:
Hi honey, I'm so sorry for your loss. In the past i've had 4 early miscarriages, all somewhere between 4 and 8 weeks. I think everyone's different, but for me the bleeding for very heavy and red, fresh and different to my periods. I have been hospitalised for two of them due to the pain i was in and was loosing large clots.

On only one occasion did the hospital do a scan and to be honest it was more traumatic than helpful or reassuring. I was made to sit in a waiting room surrounded by happy mums to be with big bumps. Then the women doing the scan talked in jargon, saying she could see a sac but i needed to empty my bladder for an internal scan for a clearer picture. She made us think everything was ok, then it turned out just to be fluid and the pregnancy was completly gone, so a scan isn't something i'd recommend from my own experience, but as i say everyones different.

What I would say if you've got much pain or concerns contact your gp and don't be fobbed off. I'm sorry for going on a bit and i hope this has helped. If there's any questions i can help you with please feel free to pm me x.
cramping has stopped mostly now... I had been in pain really bad on thur, friday and saturday. Yesterday cramping was little, but I tried to do a bit of walking to help it... I am still bleeding though it is starting to slow down and it feels like a period. I passed somethin really strange lastnight and I'd never see anything like it before so it freaked me out a bit. It looked like some sort of tissue or something. It was a lumpy like thing about an inch big. I dunno what it was but I dont think there is need for concern. It's all scray really and I'm worryin about everything. I didnt get the results from the blood as I didnt want to know that I wasn't preg anymore.

Thanks so much for all of your advice and support.
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Really sorry to read this :hug: As a newbie I don't like to reply too quickly as others have better advice on it all but :hug: really sorry sweetie xx
Really sorry to read this :hug: As a newbie I don't like to reply too quickly as others have better advice on it all but :hug: really sorry sweetie xx

Never be afraid to post hun, all advice is very welcome and yours has been great :hug:
Yes and I'm thankful for all the advice, help, and support I can get. Thanks everyone!

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