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quick question


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hi girls,

I know im not in my first trimester (atleast i dont think i am yet but who knows)

Just wanted to ask those girls that have had BFP's how many DPO they were when they got their positives?
Iv heard that some girls/women can take a while to show up on a hpt

Only im either 18/20dpo, did a test this morning but still coming up bfn....af should have been yesterday or today judging by last 2 cycles but showing no sign of arriving, so wondered if im still in with achance or not given that im still getting negatives this far on?

thanks girls xxxx
Hi, hpt are very good now and can pick up HCG in urine from as early as the day of the missed period. You only need 20 mIU/ml for a positive result 7-10 days post ovulation. Also HCG levels should double every 2 days in a normal healthy pregnancy. Hope this helps and good luck :)
I have no idea when I ovulate during my cycle. But my first I got my BFP when I was a week late. I tested at 1 day late and got negative, didn't test again til 1 week later.

This time I tested at 1 day late and got a very strong positive!!

I have no idea when I ovulate during my cycle. But my first I got my BFP when I was a week late. I tested at 1 day late and got negative, didn't test again til 1 week later.

This time I tested at 1 day late and got a very strong positive!!


ooo thank you maria, that gives me a bit of hope, as af due today if same as last cycle butcome up bfn, so will try again wednesday maybe if af still not arrived xxxx
Hi hon I found this quite useful, just even out of curiosity:

from conception from LMP (mIU/ML or IU/L)
7 days 3 weeks 0 to 5
14 days 28 days 3 to 426
21 days 35 days 18 to 7,340
28 days 42 days 1080 to 56,500
35 - 42 days 49 - 56 days 7,650 to 229,000
43 - 64 days 57 - 78 days 25,700 to 288,000
57 - 78 days 79 - 100 days 13,300 to 253,000
17 - 24 weeks 2nd trimester 4060 to 65,400
25 wks to term 3rd trimester 3640 to 117,000


It says up there at 14DPO you can still only have 3mIU of hcg in your system!! And perhaps only 18mIU on CD35!! How bizarre is that? But this is obviously why some women don't get bfps til later on. Perfectly normal and within range, but totally unexpected nonetheless.
Still time for that bfp xx
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That table didn't copy and paste very well, probably better to click on the link xx
oooo thank you so much hunny :) its put my mind at rest a bit as im a bit concerned with what my body is playing at lol

i have to admit im finding it very strange this cycle, as i have had a "gut feeling" that we did it this month, but HPT's say otherwise. Im also not feeling any signs of af arriving which should have been at least today

unfortunately it loks like my 2ww is extending to like a 3ww lol xxxx
I tested on the day I was due hun, so about 13dpo. Have no real idea when I ovulated though xxx
I was 16 d p o. It's a hard one because I have heard that some women can be pregnant but not show as positive on a test. I would prob say wait a few more days and then if AF still not here maybe see if doctor can test you as I think they can do a blood test (but I'm not 100% sure on that). My cycles are always every 29 days and the month before we got our BFP I was 5 days late, but this time I tested at 2 days late as I just had a feeling.
Good luck and fingers crossed for you x x x x
Thank u hun. It makes it moee complex that i think i hav a long luteal phase as i ovulated either cd 17 or 19 and im now on cd 38! So frustrating. Im going to test on wednesday as i should b about 3 days late on af by then. Thank u for responding xx
Thanks hun really hope its a bfp. Hell of a xmas pressie xx

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