Question for 2nd time (or more) mammas?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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How has this pregnancy compared to your first/others? Do you have different symptoms? Carring same/different etc. Also, do you know what you are having this time.

I was much sicker this time than when i carried my son but since about week 11 i feel very much the same. Up to now bump a little smaller than i was but same shape etc.
2 girls at work recently had very, very different pregnancies to their first babies but both went on to have girls again (both were convinced they were having boys)

Basically, im being nosey to see how you have found it. :D

oh, and my bump is a surprise this time :D
i found out with both my pregnancies couldnt wait for nine months...!!! i had the same symptoms and both babies are girls..but the bump this time is slightly smaller than with the first..
Hi hun :wave:

I was a lot more sicker this time round and had different cravings - with my son I was savoury and orange juice. This time round I have been sweet - chocolate and puddings and fizzy, first tri it was fizzy water and now it is lemonade. I am carrying the same but with a smaller bump.

I was exactly the same as you hun, my sickness stopped at 11 weeks altogether, I woke up feeling great(and worried that something was wrong!!)

I found out today that I am having a girl :D

I was alot more ill in the early stages but now im feeling fine and everything seems to be the same included the heartburn.

I feel this pregnancy is flying by where has first time round it dragged.
oh yeah miss just reminded me of the awful heartburn i had last time. I walked around with a bottle of gavisgon it was that bad! :D None at all this time-it funny how you can be so differnt in some ways.

I also agree with that it flies by 2nd time. I read all the baby books last time 'week 18 your baby is..etc' No chance of that with a toddler though :rotfl:
I have been alot more sicker, no sickness with first evil terrible sickness until 13 weeks with this one. Also alot more bigger...Im actually larger now than I was at term with first :shock:

i will find out the sex when able
I LOVED every second of my pregnancy with Isaac, no symptoms except some tiredness before I knew I was pregnant :D
I am in LOVE with being pregnant again this time around, but its been full of symptoms, namely tiredness and morning sickness, thankfully the tiredness went at 13wks'ish but the nausea remains :( I've also gone off lots of foods wthis time around, and feel pregnant sooner, physically, lots of tightenings and aches.
hi there,

Had morning sickness twice when carrying my son at about 9 weeks nothing else apart from heartburn.

This one i am still feeling sick off and on so could be in for a rough ride.. but it will be worth it in the long run. I also am alot bigger than I was with my son..

Kathy x
I had all day nausea with Aaron, it was so bad I just used to stay in bed. I remember spending a whole day just being sick non stop it was awful.

With this one I have had no nausea at all. I've been sick twice but I think it was down to baby not liking certain food cos it's only been the last couple of weeks that has happened. I think I am carrying smaller as well this time. I shot out with Aaron straight away and people knew I was pregnant at about 8 weeks but I kept this quiet until I was nearly 13 weeks and no one had a clue! I'm having a girl this time :D
I was showing more obviously, earlier this time. Think bumo may be bigger (has been nearly 6 years though and I am generally bigger!

Had a load more sickness and nausea with my son. This time having gunk in my throat everyday is what makes me sick. Nausea stopped a lot earlier on. Though, when I get some stomach pains I feel sick.

Carrying the same, as in all bump and have lost body weight. My appetite is not very big when pg, and go a lot of sweet stuff.

I am team green, so shall have to see if the similarities mean another boy.
My pregnancy has been similar this time around to my first.

Nausea was much less this time around but still felt rough, loss of appetite same as with my 1st.

Tiredness was much worse in first tri than last time but I started feeling normal again at around the same stage 12.5/13 weeks.

I haven't got a proper bump yet so can't compare that but I feel sure I have another boy on the way. We're staying on team green so we'll have to wait till September to find out :)

Who knows though, lots of people have identical pregnancies and end up with one of each or have different pregnancies and have babies of the same sex.

There's no rhyme or reason to it I don't think.
Both mine have been pretty similar to be honest. Im carrying the same, just bigger this time. The only thing really different is that I had a couple of weeks of sickness this time around 6-8 weeks, and last time it was just nausea no actual sickness. Otherwise you wouldnt know its a different pregnancy. First one was a boy, this time its a girl!
Pretty much the same as my first pregnancy, and we're staying team green again. One minute i'm convinced it's another girl the next i'm certain it's a boy!


I had morning sickness all day evryday from 7 weeks till 12 weeks with this one and couldnt keep anything down, even now I am still getting bouts of nausea.wheras with my son I had sickness in the morning for 2 weeks and that was it.
I haent put on hardly any weight with this one and my bump is bigger but more front. Last time i put weight on everywhere and straight away.
cravings; Mars bars and sweet things last time but this time the only thing ie really craved is pancake rolls from the chinese.

It will be interesting if its different because this ones a girl or if its just because each pregnancy is different. Hopefully I'll be able to convince my DH to find out at our scan next week!!!

This is my 4th pregnancy and the pregnancy is very similar to my boy pregnancies but I won't know until august if there's any significance in that. The boy pregnancies have been pretty easy pregnancies compared to my last pregnancy which was a girl, my little girl Joanna. I have had morning sickness, headaches and sore boobs but all that has passed now. I was sick last think I think it was but that could have been due to the amount of stress I was under. I have similar food cravings with this pregnancy that I had with the boy pregnancies, love lucozade and I love crunchies at the moment where as with my girl pregnancy I loved pretty much all chocolate going and other things such as hot dgs with mustard ect. I think I carried much bigger with Joanna as well as I'm sure when I was at the stage i'm at now I had really bad sciatia and although I've had symptoms of that this time it's only been on two occasions where as with Joanna it was every day and I couldnt stand for longer than 20 minutes without being in agony. Also with Joanna pregnancy I had major bleeding and lost clots at 9 weeks of pregnancy up until 16 weeks, I've had a little spotting with this pregnancy but nothing major.

i've had 2 boys and i carried them exactly the same sick all the way through very heavy their heart beats both were 160-170 could eat anything but wanted crisps and other savoury things

this time don't know what i'm having till monday but i'm not that sick just a little in the morning but not every morning mw told me my bump was petit for how many weeks i was and the heart besat is 140 so a lot slower oh and i'm craving sweet things and fruit so i'm thinking its a girl this time.

simhaz1 said:

i've had 2 boys and i carried them exactly the same sick all the way through very heavy their heart beats both were 160-170 could eat anything but wanted crisps and other savoury things

this time don't know what i'm having till monday but i'm not that sick just a little in the morning but not every morning mw told me my bump was petit for how many weeks i was and the heart besat is 140 so a lot slower oh and i'm craving sweet things and fruit so i'm thinking its a girl this time.


My heart beat is 140ish too and I crave sweet things so you may be having a girl :cheer:

Well with DS, i had awful morning sickness all the way through, and wasnt showing until really late, this one i havent had morning sickness at all with this one, and still no bump so far. but i dont know what the sex is yet ... but i think girl :)

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