
Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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For those mums who've had 2 or babies, where your pregnancies similar and did you have same sex babies? I guess what I'm really asking is if you've had a boy and a girl, did you carry them differently or have different symptoms etc? My first was a boy and really hoping for a girl this time, but trying not to dwell on it! Things have been slightly different this time in that I had a period of m/s, strong smells, a couple of weeks not being able to eat and generally feeling run down with loads of colds and other ailments. Last time I was pretty healthy, had no problems at all and not even a day of morning sickness, I was just constantly hungry from the minute I found out and ate 24/7 for the whole 9 months!!

I know it's a different pregnancy, this doesn't mean anything and they are all different etc, etc. Just wondering what your own experiences were? I'm getting mixed vibes on what baby might be and I just wanna know!
I've already had a boy and am having another and my pregnancies have been simmilar in alot of way but different in others :think:

Last time I felt sick straight away in the pregnancy and unable to eat foods but didn't start getting sick untill I was 10 weeks. This time I felt sick from the beginnig and unable to eat but I actually started getting sick this time around 5/6 weeks :shock:

Im craving different things this time around. Last time it was all sour stuff I was craving, this time it's all sweet stuff lol

Im carrying the baby the same as I did last time. Im bigger this time though.

My boobs also grew loads in this pregnancy whereas last time they didn't grow at all. I also have been leaking milk this time but last time I didn't at all.

Im also alot more moody and hormonal this time, was fine last time.

Think that's it :think: lol

I had 2 boys then a girl and now this one which is unknown. I can't really remember much about the boys pregnancy but I remember loving lucozade with one of them and mars bars. I like lucozade this time and any chocolate. I didnt have any bleeds with the boys and havent had any bleeds with this one but with Joanna I had a massive bleed at 9 weeks. I also suffered sciatia badly with Joanna but I'm not getting that with this one although have had mild twinges of it but nothing more than that. Loved pickles with the boys but can't remember that with Joanna. Loved chocolate with Joanna and was a hell of a lot more moody. I went off cigarette smoking with Joanna from 8 weeks and managed to quit traight away but with boys and this one struggled like hell to quit. Managed a week ago to quit on this one :oops: No lectures please as don't need them. :hug:

I've had two girls; haven't a clue what I'm having this time but I must say, all my pregnancies have been fairly similar. Had constant nausea from about week 6 or 7 to 13, aversions to smells of coffee, certain shampoos, conditioners, body creams and cleaning products, and a slowing in hair growth with all 3; also hardly lose any hairs from my head in the shower (that was one of my earliest signs). I think the cravings have been similar too - oranges and apples (although with this one I craved quite salty stuff at the start). I've also carried them similar too!

It will be interesting to see what this one is. I know my Mum had a girl and a boy, and she said she didn't get nausea with my brother. I'll keep you posted!
hiya i've had 2 boys already and i carried them exactly the same pretty much i couldn't eat anything for 9 mnths with both of them and was in and out of hospital with dehyudration this time i can't stop eating and i'm loving jelly sugary sweets and a prawn pasta salad thing yummy i'm hoping for a girl this time :D

bobs :D

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