Question about waters breaking!

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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With Lacey they had to break my waters so I have no idea what it's like as they were broke 20mins before giving birth so was in too much pain to be thinking about it!
What I want to know is for those who's waters have broke, did you have a feeling they were about to go like could you feel pressure? Feel like you need a wee? Or did they just go without notice?
I'm asking this because I'm so worried their gonna go on the school run! Lol! I'm not bothered if I'm in bed or even doing my food shopping, it's just the thought of being at school!!
I'm hoping they won't go again and their have to be broken in labour!
I guess looking back for me I did kinda feel pressure as once was when I was on the loo and
the other I was on myway to the loo! Lmao Its like having a massive bladder full! I'm not sure if everyone else felt the same though. Normally if they gush you feel a popping sensation.
im thinking of this everytime that i want the loo haha i have to go cuz im thnking whats if its the water :D
well i was in bed half asleep so don't know about the feeling other than it's like your wetting yourself but can't stop it. I was worrying about where i'd be when it happened so glad it was when i was in bed! has anyone on here actually had any embarrasing water breaking experiences?!
Great thread LM! I've not been worrying but I have thought a couple of times 'wonder what it feels like' as like you I had mine broken in labour x
I've heard you can't controll them like you can if going for a wee! I've got so many labour things on my mind today! Lol
i was walking when i felt like i was doing a wee, but this was only a little trickle of my waters. then about 2-3 hours later in the bathroom the big gush come. i dont remember feeling any thing (like pressure) with the gush, it just all came out xx
i knew they was coming i had a strange feeling that i had to stand up, and nothing wud stop me getting up (they tryed to make me lie down as id just had the pethadine) soon as i stood up my waters went with a huge splash lol
Can you feel them bulging? All I felt with Lacey was really needing a poo but got told it was the head coming down the birth canal!
I did feel bulging with my first, They had to pop them for me cos of it! On the way to the hospital I just couldn't sit down properly in the car!
i felt like i needed a poo and then they went to examine me and said oh their bulging and your 7cm dilated. she turned her back and i felt a small trickle and then an urge to wee and whoosh my waters broke!!
mine all went whilst lay on the delivery bed 1s time they broke them and just felt a small amount of relief lol 2nd time i declined having them broke but as soon as they did break his head was almost there same happened on my 3rd and on my 4th they just went as i was on the bed sucking gas and air lol so nope ive not had no embarrasing moments and im hoping i dont with this 1 either lol a friend of mine her waters broke as she just came out of her flat to get to the hospital after having contractions she had to go back in to get changed she is the only person i have known for them not to break whilst at home or in hospital lol

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